[spectre] Call for videos: image vs. music

2006-05-31 Diskussionsfäden [videoART]
Call for propsals Deadline 1 July 2006 --. VideoChannel http://videochannel.newmediafest.org [EMAIL PROTECTED] organiser of 1st Cologne Online Film Festival (CologneOFF) http://coff.newmediafest.org featuring film videos on the

[spectre] new--videos from Argentina on VideoChannel

2006-05-23 Diskussionsfäden [videoART]
* VideoChannel http://videochannel.newmediafest.org is very glad to announce the addition of a new contribution -- videos from Argentina curated by Silvio de Gracia (Junin/Argentina). --- including # Animas by Ricardo Pons (2004, 5:00) The video is a testimonial allegory. A work that deepens in

[spectre] Call for videos/films: image vs music

2006-05-03 Diskussionsfäden {videoART}
Call for propsals Deadline 1 July 2006 # VideoChannel http://videochannel.newmediafest.org organiser of Cologne Online Film Festival (CologneOFF) http://coff.newmediafest.org is looking for digital videos/films on the theme image vs music for the inclusion in 2nd Cologne Online Film Festival