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Live Herring ’11 - Call for (new) media art or workshop proposals until February 15, 2011

Suggest artworks, workshops, performance...

Live Herring ’11 will take place in sprint 2011 in Central Finland. It is a series of exhibitions and events focused on (new) media art.

The main events are the three different exhibitions: a digital image based exhibition in the Keuruu Museum, different kinds of projects and performances in the Jyväskylä Art Museum and finally a main exhibition curated by Tomi Knuutila in the Saarijärvi Museum. In addition there will be smaller exhibitions and several events such as performances and workshops, which will be also organised outside traditional exhibition surroundings, such as in public places, schools, retirement homes etc. Our mission is to show media art also outside the cities - in smaller places where media art is still a stranger!

1. We will gladly accept *any media art work proposals* from digitally made images to projection works, from interactive installations to sound works and from web art works to art using mobile technology - and of course submissions for performances and all kinds of shows are welcome.

2. We are looking for proposals of workshops and social art projects, where people can take part in. We try especially to find projects that could be taken to a "mini tour" of 2-4 realizations in all around the Central Finland, both in cities and in country side.

3. We also try to find experimental projects, which could be implemented as independent projects as part of the Live Herring '11 event! If you have an idea of exhibition or event, we can try to find a proper place for it and we can look for missing pieces...

Deadline for proposals / submissions is February 15, 2011. However, the artworks and workshop proposals are selected throughout the call. The first selected artists/proposals will be accepted already in the very first week of December. Particularly workshop, performance and collective art work and other project proposals (requiring longer organisation time) will be selected early!

Please, view more information and the submission guidelines at http://www.liveherring11.net/

Päivi Hintsanen, 1/3-läänintaiteilija
Keski-Suomen elokuva- ja mediakulttuurin läänintaiteilijaryhmä Live Herring

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