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Computing the corporeal
Special issue of Computational Culture, a Journal of Software Studies
Edited by Nicolas Salazar Sutil, Sita Popat and Scott deLahunta


Intersections between human movement, computer science and 
motion-tracking/sensing technologies have led to novel ways of transferring 
body data from physical to digital contexts. From a practical perspective, this 
integration requires engagement across key disciplines, including movement 
studies, kinesiology, kinematics, biomechanics, biomedical science and health 
studies, dance science, sports science, and computer science. This development 
has also provoked theoretical and critical discourse that has tried to 
preserve, based on its grounding on bodily and kinetic practice, the 
differentiation of lived-in and body-specific knowledge. Here is a mode of 
datarization perhaps closer to what Deleuze (1988) called “immediate datum”: 
i.e. information stemming not from an abstract and re-moved conceptualization, 
but from real-world experience of movement, and the immediate perception or 
capture of kinetic information through physical or sensorial means. Within the 
field of software studies, advancing a sense of digital materialism has raised 
concerns for the materiality of technological media, for instance by focusing 
on the physical constraints of data storage, or the material dimension of 
computing. But what about “immediation”, i.e. immediate computation of bodily 
movement by machines for immediate expression, representation or enactment in 
digital contexts? And what of the representability of such immediation? How can 
we describe movement and preserve its datum of difference within a scriptable 
or graphicable computer language without falling into a universal sameness, a 
movement without bodies?

Whilst the idea that immediate data may demand a “bodying forth” (Thrift 2008), 
a traffic of bodiliness from biological to technological contexts, it is 
necessary to de-homogenise the ‘body’ category. Perhaps what is needed is an 
understanding of “corporeality” that assumes multidimensional and relativistic 
realities of bodies instead, opening up nuanced discourses based on specific 
body-related ontologies (corpuscles, builds, anatomies, skeletons, muscle 
systems) all making up a non-singular sense of the bodily real. As such, this 
collection poses the problem of criteria. Our question is this: how and to what 
effect does the research community adopt arbitrary criteria in order to compute 
the body and bodily movement? Can we define narratives emerging from this 
body-computing arbitration to provoke a critique?

There is a possible tension between “bodying forth”— the idea of a single body 
operative across both biological and computational contexts—and corporeal 
relations. We would like to focus this critical edition on the relations 
between differentiated anatomical or bodily systems (skeletal, muscular, nerve, 
etc.), and different modes of computation, as well as different theoretical 
discourses stemming from this experiential basis. If we recognize the problem 
of relationality we must assume that more than one complex set of co-relations 
meet when the machine computes the moving human body. How do we start the 
process of computer-generated learning in terms of selecting body parts, 
functions, organs, processes, on the one hand, and key languages, code, or 
indeed technological tools for capture on the other? To what extent does 
corporeal computing contribute to certain bodily systems (or perhaps even body 
types) becoming the key agents of action, and indeed learning, in such 
contexts? How do we respond critically to privileged systems (the skeletal, the 
muscular), and body types (so called ‘normal bodies’)? To what extent are 
computational paradigms still dominated by spatial, extensive and quantitative 
determinations (i.e. the tracking of skeleton, body geometry, kinematic shapes, 
etc.) that hide other, more intensive, modes of corporeality? And finally, how 
do we reintegrate the multiplicity of the corporeal in a computational 
synthesis? For instance, how can we understand the quantitative and qualitative 
(dynamics, effort, tone, intensity, etc.) as overlapping data priorities?

Topics or projects might include:

•       Computable relations between bodies and digital avatars, digital dance 
representations, digital sports representations, digital health 
representations, digital animation— digital bodies in general.

•       Computable relations between biological bodies and robotic systems.

•       Computing relations between physical movement and abstract thought, 
automated thought (AI) or machine learning.

•       Computing mobility studies (i.e. relations between body and automobile, 
body and assisted mobility machines, body and prosthetics).

•       Computing sociokinetic material (i.e. computing the movement of groups 
of bodies).

•       Affective corporeal computing— the capacity to process psychophysical 
and cognitive processes within corporeal movement (e.g. computing effort, 
dynamics, tonicity, emotion).

•       Integration of quantitative and qualitative body datasets.

•       Metabody theory and notions of meta-anatomy, meta-strata in the 
ontological literature (i.e. movement of digital ghosts, sprites, 
techno-animism, etc.)

750 word abstracts should be emailed to n.salazar(at)leeds.ac.uk April 17th.
Any queries can be addressed to Nicolas Salazar Sutil at 
n.salazar(at)leeds.ac.uk, or Sita Popat at s.popat(at)leeds.ac.uk, or Scott 
deLahunta at scott(at)motionbank.org.

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Computational Culture Editorial Board and the 
special issue editors. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by April 
24th and invited to submit full manuscripts by September 26th. These 
manuscripts are subject to full blind peer review according to Computational 
Culture’s policies. The issue will be published in January 2017.

Computational Culture is an online open-access peer-reviewed journal of 
inter-disciplinary enquiry into the nature of cultural computational objects, 
practices, processes and structures.

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