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Do It With Others - Art and Solidarity in the Age of Network

Summercamp Symposia.
Sat, 6 Aug 2016 at 12:00 - Cambridge, United Kingdom

For Wysing Arts Centre’S second Summercamp series we have invited
Furtherfield (Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett) to develop and lead a day-long
symposium with contributions from artists Gretta Louw and They Are Here
(Helen Walker & Harun Morrison) and writer Tim Waterman.

Furtherfield create online and physical spaces and places for different
kinds of people to come together to get involved with contemporary arts and
digital technologies.

Do It With Others - Art and Solidarity in the Age of Networks will explore
art as a commons (defined as the cultural and natural resources accessible
to all members of a society) in the age of networks and neoliberalism. It
will ask how practices, circulation, appreciation and stewardship of the
arts can be emancipated for all. Presentations and discussions include work
drawing on the summer programme at Furtherfield's Gallery and Commons lab,
exploring tensions between digital inclusion and cultural diversity in the
digital global hegemony.

12pm- Arrival. Wysing has a café onsite which will be open throughout the
day for food and drink. The cafe will be open from 10am

12.20pm - Introduction to the day by Ruth Catlow

The first part of the day will address the cultural and natural resources
accessible to all members of a society

12.30pm - Marc Garrett, Unblocking proprietary systems. Marc Garrett,
presents his research into different types of grassroots culture and the
ways in which they actively re-examine, critique, and hack their way around
the controlling conditions of black boxes, proprietary systems and
techno-cultural production. These cultures (their tactics and strategies)
return control to the users and remodels relationships between the
individual and the institutional edifice: in academia, in the arts,
technological fields of practice, and as part of everyday life.

1pm -Tim Waterman, Situating the Commons.Tim Waterman, landscape architect
and theorist, will discuss how the negotiation of the commons takes place
in two distinct realms that are increasingly reaching into and shaping one
another: the long history of the landscape commons both in cities and in
the countryside, and across digital networks. In both realms we find the
continued project of the enclosures, appropriating forms of
collectively-created use value and converting it, wherever possible, into
exchange value.

1.30pm - Ruth Catlow, DIWO to DAOWO - Collaborative arts and the
blockchain. The DIWO (Do It With Others) campaign for emancipatory,
networked art practices was instigated by Furtherfield in 2006 and it is
informing an artistic engagement with new blockchain technologies; to
organise, cooperate, p2p and at scale to transform approaches to
contemporary economic and social challenges.

2pm - Open discussion moderated by artist and curator Gretta Louw

2.30pm - Break

This part of the day will draw on the summer programme at Furtherfield's
Gallery and Commons lab, exploring tensions between digital inclusion and
cultural diversity in the digital global hegemony.

3pm - Gretta Louw, Networking the Unseen. Networking the Unseen, which is
currently on view at Furtherfield gallery, is the first exhibition of its
kind to focus on the intersection of indigenous cultures and zeitgeist
digital practices in contemporary art. Featuring art works – installations
and digital media – made in collaboration with artists from the Warnayaka
indigenous art centre in Central Australia. Artist and curator Gretta Louw,
will discuss postcolonial digital arts practice in relation to the
exhibition and event series that brings together concepts and experiences
of remoteness and marginalised cultures, with art-making in contemporary

3.30pm - They Are Here, Finsbury Park Network. Combining DIY digital
culture with socially engaged activity, Helen Walker & Harun Morrison of
They Are Here are collaborating with local residents and organisations
across Finsbury Park. Working with recently published open source software,
they will establish an online network independent of cellular networks and
the World Wide Web. They are exploring ways of integrating this network
with local community garden activity; enabling data from these
microhabitats to affect the communication system.

4pm - Open discussion moderated by Ruth Catlow

4.45pm - Closing remarks by Marc Garrett

5pm - End of the day

To book your free place (travel options also available) please go to our
Eventbrite page:
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