° *Not Where from but Where to...* , 20 October - 7 November 2010

Opening: 19 October, 19.00 pm

Project curator: Alenka Gregori*č*

Participating artists:

Nika Autor

Nemanja Cvijanović

Vuk Ćosić **

             Katarina Zdjelar

It is easy to say that the society we live in today is driven by the power
of money. The power relations - which are created through the channels of
capital driven society - are in hands of a few subjects keeping not only
their strategic positions but also manipulating media, politics and
economics. Of course, this is no longer news and for the last few of decades
it is accepted as just part of our reality. The constraints of these power
driven relations are commonplace and their effects are obvious. However, the
revolutionary spirit of 1968, the idea of changing the established order in
various social spheres of life and giving the voice to the ones outside the
power structures is, although faint, still alive today.

I would say that there is still a common ground for revolutionary thinking,
but it is - in a way - articulated through local territorial, geographical
and political units. Because the world is rushing towards a globally
oriented society, acting locally raises questions which could change the
reality of many - but on a small(er) scale. In the last few years we can
trace the growth of art initiatives and projects that eschew the globally
oriented for the locally specific. Artists are often responding to their
immediate social and political environment, raising questions about the
microcosms they live and work in. We could easily call them small-scale
revolutionaries because they are questioning their immediate social and
political surroundings. These micro-revolutions featured in their artworks,
whether documenting the foundation of political parties, tracing the
graphical representations of borders, or examining the local media
representation of marginalised people, render the effects of the global
through the contours of the local.

Information on the artists:

*Nika Autor*


Experimental film, PAL DVD, 2010

The film is trying to expose the absurdity of the regime that the European
Union is imposing on a migrant population. She wanted to manifest the
absurdity of certain relations that are being forced upon individuals to
partake in them. Her work is the reaction to the relations of inequality, to
an unequal distribution of power that is being historically reproduced
through the domination of power relations on both national and global level.
In the film she tried to join the selected footages from different sources
reflecting on the idea of democracy of the European neo-liberal system. The
footages are taken from the National Archive of Radio and Television of
Slovenia from media reports on migrant questions taken from 2001-2008.

*Report on the state of the asylum policy in the **Republic** of **Slovenia*
* from January 2008 to August 2009*

Documentary film, PAL DVD, 2010**

The Film is trying to expose the struggle and life of the asylum seekers in
Slovenia. Asylum seekers are more and more becoming the object of systematic
physical and psychological violence. The Asylum Centre has become an
instrument for averting asylum seekers' and dismantling the right to asylum,
rather than being an instrument of their protection. An ever more present
repression over asylum seekers coincides with the trend of asylum law. The
Film exposes the structure of the asylum legal regulation, its
transformation, the disappearance of the right to asylum, the
criminalization of asylum seekers, systematic physical and psychological
violence over asylum seekers, emergent of the European apartheid system, the
system of production of "sans papieres" while pointing out the
self-organization of asylum seekers themselves and the meaning of social
centres and open autonomous spaces that self-organized asylum seekers and
their supporters are using in their everyday organizing.

 *Vuk Ćosić*

*Greater Slovenia*, 2004

Series of pretty computer graphics in medium format

The project is researching the visual image of the Slovenian territory in
maps of Europe and the World. First findings are confirming that Slovenia is
very decorative. Also, it is recommendable for countries to remain above
pixel size, and if that is unavoidable then stay square in order to be
correctly represented.

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*Nemanja  Cvijanović*

*Mount Triglav on The **Adriatic Sea*, 2010

Happening (performed as a sign of gratitude of Croatian people to the people
of Slovenia at the rational decision on the referendum on border

Series of 3 black and white photographs

Production: DOPUST

*Mount Triglav on The Adriatic Sea *is a peculiar continuation of three
happenings performed by Slovene artists, historic and contemporary, using
the idea of mount Triglav as an allegorical symbol of geography,
nationality, and state, which possesses a historically constructed identity.
The live sculpture Triglav was first performed in the Zvezda park in
Ljubljana on December 30th 1968 by David Nez, Milenko Matanović and Drago
Dellabernardina, members of OHO, the most important neoavantgarde movement
in Slovenia. The group IRWIN reconstructed this action in 2004, while in
2009 the artists Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša performed a
happening they entitled *Triglav on Triglav* as a reconstruction of the
works of OHO and IRWIN with the intent of continuing conceptual art in
Slovenia and exposing the ideological links of contemporary and past

Allegorically, in Slovenia Mount Triglav is a symbol, its identity is
artificially constructed and linked to the people and the country, while in
Croatia the same holds for the Adriatic Sea. *Mount Triglav on The Adriatic
Sea* attempts to deconstruct these identities and challenges the exclusive
right of newly constructed neighbouring nations to make use of these
symbols. *Triglav on The Adriatic Sea *was performed on June 2 during a 2010
DOPUST festival at the legendary Bačvice beach in Split, to show gratitude
for the decision by Slovenia on the border arbitration referendum.*


*Katarina Zdjelar *

*We need to have civil consciousness and basta**, *2010


In her video piece *We need to have civil consciousness and basta*, Katarina
Zdjelar* *focuses on a group of concerned citizens in Naples who rally
around the common idea of making a difference in politics. We follow a
crucial meeting, at which they are deciding whether they should become a
political party or not. Rather than evolving around the participants'
standpoint, concrete proposals, agreements and disagreements, the piece
looks at the moment of transition, in which a citizen-enthusiast becomes a

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*supported by*:


ERSTE Foundation

Stadt Wien - Kulturabteilung MA 7  *

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*About us:*

Open Friday, Saturday 13.00 - 18.30 and open for the rest of the week days
by appointment only. Admission free

*Open Space*

*Zentrum für Kunstprojekte*

Lassingleithnerplatz 2

A- 1020 Vienna


(+43) 699 115 286 32

for more info: off...@openspace-zkp.org


*Open Space - Zentrum für Kunstprojekte* aims to create the most vital
facilities for art concerned with contributing a model strategy for
cross-border and interregional projects on the basis of improving new
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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