Katie Semro From Mother's mind project <https://www.outofmanypresents.org/>is
looking for a voice/story of mothers.  Please find details below.

*Mother Mine Details:*
The Mother Mine Project is an exploration of our mothers and how they’ve
shaped us. It’s not an ode to the greatness of mothers, but more of an
examination of who we are, for better and worse, because of our mothers.
Project creator Katie Semro is looking for ordinary people from around the
globe to self-record their replies to a few prompt questions and email them
to her. She then makes each person’s recording into a short non-narrated
audio snapshot for the Mother Mine Podcast. To participate in the project
please see the following details:

Prompt Questions:

   - What did you call your mother? (Please use words from another language
   if that’s what you used.)
   - What do you remember most about her?
   - I always think of my mother when…
   - Tell me about a time when you saw your mother as a person, not just
   your mother.
   - What did/don’t you talk to your mother about?
   - Tell me about a disagreement/argument/fight that you had with your
   - Who did your mother want you to be?
   - How does your mother’s influence show up in your life?
   - Who are you because of your mother?

You can record in English or whatever language you feel most comfortable

The details:
The stories will be *anonymous* on the podcast.

If you are using a smartphone Apps like Voice Memos for iPhone and Voice
Recorder for android work well. Then email the recording to Katie at
kse...@gmail.com — this can usually be done right from the app.

The recordings can be as long as you want. People typically record for 8 -
15 minutes or more. Don’t worry about mistakes these will be edited out,
just speak from the heart.

Thank you so much for your help with this project!
If you have any questions, technical or otherwise, please contact Katie
directly at kse...@gmail.com!

Independent Audio Producer
Mother Mine Project <http://www.outofmanypresents.org/>: Listen Here
Transmission Times <http://transmissiontimes.libsyn.com/>
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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