Radarstation 2 – Call for tracks

Fantomton is looking for musicians for a sound-project based on samples taken at the abandoned listening station at Teufelsberg Berlin.

Link to the call: http://fantomton.de/experimente/radarstation-2-call-for-tracks/

*The Project*

The abandoned listening station on the Teufelsberg Berlin has a magical atmosphere. The industrial area with its rusty metal surfaces, broken glass and the unique acoustic in the domes provide a rich repertoire of fascinating sounds which reflect the area’s ambience.

We could not resist the attraction of the place and visited it in 2009, equipped with microphones and recording devices. Subsequently the recordings were given to musicians in order to get different interpretations of the sound material. The goal was to translate the impressions of the place into music.

The result is the release Radarstation: http://fantomton.de/releases/music/ft001-radarstation

Due to great interest and a lot of positive reactions in the recent time, we once more would like to motivate artists to use our sound material to produce new exciting tracks.

*How to contribute*

The tracks should mainly consist of our samples and reflect the special atmosphere of the area, interpreted by the artists. The resulting works will be presented on our website and will be offered as “Radarstation 2″ compilation for download. There is also the possibility of a CD release.

The participating tracks should not be longer than 10 minutes and we would like to receive them in flac format. We will release the compilation under this creative commons license and need your approval [1].

Deadline is the 25. November 2012.


You can find our samples in the Fantomon Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9fa44oynahx9bak/lQCZ7PSJdj
Click Download -> As Zip

As a further inspiration we recommend to go for a walk on Teufelsberg or take a look at the numerous pictures of the place.

Conversion to flac: http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html

*Send us your track*

- Goto http://www.dropitto.me/fantomton
- Use password: radarstation
- Select your flac file and press upload

Have fun listening to the samples and producing music.
We are looking forward to hear your compositions and thank you in advance!

The Fantomton Team

[1] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/deed.en_US

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