Radio Web MACBA <> - Most listened podcasts August

*1- Luz Pichel:  <>*“Yo
no sabía que tenía una lengua hasta que esa lengua me dolió. Dolía cuando
veías que la maestra, que era la autoridad, y el cura, que era la otra
autoridad, hablaban castellano. Y nosotros, los campesinos, los de abajo,
hablábamos gallego. Naces asociando tu lengua a un concepto de clase.”
(only available in Spanish)

In this podcast we talk to Luz Pichel about languages that ache in the body
and about the poetry that returns this pain to the world in the form of a
challenge. Between readings of her poems and first-person stories, we
reflect on the margins of voice and language, the class conflict that
Spanish-Galician “Castrapo” reveals, the danger of giving voice to the
voiceless, Galician migration, and the displaced status of writers.


*2- Samaneh Moafi:
<>*"For a long time
in European history, nature has been the opposite of culture, it has been
the backdrop of human development, of human forms of conflict. Always in
the backdrop and separate from it. As we've all come to realize at the age
of a global pandemic and climate change, nature is very much entangled with
our history and so we need to develop new ways of engaging with it and
understanding what environmental violence is."

Samaneh Moafi is an architect and the senior researcher at Forensic
Architecture, Goldsmiths, University of London. She oversees the Centre For
Contemporary Nature, a division within Forensic Architecture which explores
the relationship between human rights violations, environmental violence,
and anthropogenic climate change. In this podcast, Samaneh Moafi turns our
gaze to notions of ecocide, negative commons and environmental violence in
pursuit of accountability and change. In doing so, she takes us through the
Negev desert, extraterritorial toxic clouds, orangutan nests in Indonesia,
forest fires and weaponised wind gusts in the Gaza strip.


*3- Florian Hecker:
*Bregman / Deutsch Chimaera - 47 minutes in bifurcated attention

The point of departure for this podcast by sound artist Florian Hecker
comprises two publications from the mid nineties: 'Musical Illusions and
Paradoxes' by Diana Deutsch and 'Demonstrations of Auditory Scene Analysis:
The Perceptual Organization of Sound' by Albert S. Bregman and Pierre A.
Ahad. Both volumes are introduced with a spoken commentary by the authors
themselves and accompanied by extensive booklets that further describe what
is heard as well as instructions and suggestions on parameters such as
playback volume, loudspeaker position, distance from the same, and whether
headphones are required or not.


*4- Maria F. Dolores:
<> *En estas
comunidades queer feministas, yo creo que las relaciones están muy basadas
en los afectos. Y en el mismo grupo de AMOQA, también. El colectivo está
basado en los afectos, en las amistades, en los amores. Y esto le da fuerza
pero al mismo tiempo le da mucha fragilidad. (only available in Spanish)

In this podcast, the visual artist, performer, and co-founder of AMOQA
Maria F. Dolores talks about witches and covens, about bodily and
theoretical knowledge, precarity, archiving without adequate resources, and
working as a collective, about inclusion and antagonism, survival tools,
cracks in the system, and mixed feelings, about dissident paths and
deviations, and about the need to seek affinities in the South. The text
that Maria proposed for the group dynamic during the "Pigs Self-Management"
workshop at MACBA interrupts and complements our conversation.


*5- Pere Noguera:
<>* "El no fer
res moltes vegades també és extraordinari. Vull dir, que l’essència de
l’existència està a tot arreu. No necessites grans coses, però tothom se’n
va ben lluny, no se ben bé perquè. Hi ha artistes que han hagut d’anar ben
lluny i d’altres que s’han quedat a casa. Però la cosa dona de sí a tot
arreu. És una qüestió de mirada, de pensament, de fer moure." (Only
available in Catalan)

Pere Noguera is a conceptual artist. Since the early 1970s he has been
experimenting with the aesthetic, poetic, and metaphysical possibilities of
mud, water, landscape, paper, photocopies, photography, everyday objects,
action, and the passage of time. In FONS AUDIO #51, he gives us some
insight into works such as "La fotocòpia com a obra document" (1975),
"Càntirs" (1976), "Pedra i ganxos de ferro. Sèrie 'Massanet'" (1977) and
"Porta doble" (1990).



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