*Radio Web MACBA - Most listened podcasts March 2021

*1- Lucía Egaña
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-326-lucia-egana>(only available in
Spanish): El código abierto permite replicar los códigos, modificarlos y
cambiarlos por completo. No hay una noción privativa, que es lo que harían
las corporaciones con sus softwares. Y esa figura del código abierto, que
ha sido muy pensada en ámbitos tecnológicos y en ámbitos culturales, es
interesante pensarla también en el terreno de lo corporal y del género.
Hacer ese desplazamiento permite pensar de otra manera el cómo hemos sido
escritas y abre la posibilidad de reescribirnos. *

In this podcast we talk to artist, writer, teacher, and anti-racist
transfeminist activist Lucía Egaña
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-326-lucia-egana> about pedagogical
processes, bibliographic dissent, wild writing, and the generative and
affirmative potential of rage. We discuss identity politics, single-sex
spaces, friendship as an engine for research, and the power of processes
organised around informality and affects.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-326-lucia-egana

*2- Chris Cutler <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/research/probes-29>: "It’s
unusual to put real birds and orchestras together. The man who did it first
– using a recording – was the Italian composer Ottorino Respighi who
courted controversy by flying a nightingale out of the horn of a phonograph
and into his tone poem ‘The Pines of Rome’, in 1924. That also made him the
first person to introduce a recording into an orchestral work."*

In PROBES #29  <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/research/probes-29>composers turn
to nature, not as pastorale but as concrete musical resources. Chris
Cutler looks at animals, vegetables and one or two minerals as they are
directly incorporated into musical works, as leading voices:  there are
birds, wolves and whales, obviously, but also less cuddly creatures,
plants, cacti, rocks and stones. We also consider some of the motives and
ideologies at work, and hear minerals make sounds that are hard to credit.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/research/probes-29

*3- Cabello/Carceller
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-325-cabellocarceller> (only available
in Spanish): "Incluso las formas de manifestarnos que teníamos en occidente
antes del surgimiento de los feminismo y los queer, eran formas muy
violentas de manifestación. A veces no se entiende la manifestación festiva
catárquica, la de vamos a congregarnos, toquémonos, vibremos y bailemos. Es
además una catarsis momentánea. Después vuelve la realidad. No es que vivas
continuamente en una fiesta. Sino que esa fiesta produce una fuerza que se

<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-325-cabellocarceller> is the artist
duo Helena Cabello and Ana Carceller. Since the early nineties, they have
been questioning the arbitrariness and restrictions imposed by gender
divisions on our bodies, spaces, representations and behaviour. In this
podcast Cabello/Carceller infiltrate the arts institution and show how
queer voices are systematically excluded from spaces of power, as well as
museums and collections. Through their work, they invite us to reconsider
the spaces we live in and leave, in order to queer them and turn them into
transitional, unproductive places – sometimes melancholy, sometimes
liberating – from which to imagine and activate new kinds of existence.
Together, we activate the political potentiality of bodies, affects,
festivity and collectivity. But we also acknowledge the solitary revolt of
discordant bodies who, by their mere presence, are already doing politics

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-325-cabellocarceller

*4- **Professor Oyèwùmi:
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-303-oyeronke-oyewumi> "Part of what I
am doing is to historicize how gender became important in the colonies as
the result of the fact that the colonizers brought their ideas about
gender. That is the crook of the matter."*

In this podcast, Professor Oyèwùmi
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-303-oyeronke-oyewumi> talks about
age, seniority, and respect, about unscrupulousness and academia,
dispossession and spirituality. She considers the oxymoron of the notion of
“single mother” from the point of view of Yoruba culture, and she also
notes how observance of community practices from non-Western cultures may
be an unnecessary step as we face the planetary challenges to come.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-303-oyeronke-oyewumi

*5- Emilio Santiago Muiño
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-263-emilio-santiago-muino> (only
available in Spanish): "La verdadera tarea es asumir una utopística más
humilde. Una utopística más vinculada, para usar una metáfora literaria,
con volver a casa" *

In this podcast we talk to Emilio Santiago Muiño
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-263-emilio-santiago-muino> about
salad gardens in museums, social movements and public policies, about oil
as a magical substance, about re-greening, ecofascism, acceleration, and
degrowth, and about how an imaginary of more modest utopías may, in the
long term, become a means of finding our way home.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-263-emilio-santiago-muino


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