First part : Finance as laboratory : mathematical models in the age of automation

Today, science, technology and finance have become completely interlinked entities. The first part of this conference series seeks to investigate the nature of those links and explore the architecture of financial engineering today. How are the tools of analysis, decision support, automation, and also, by extension, networks and security improving? how has finance become the prime laboratory for research and development in cybernetics?

with :

- Christophe Quester, regular contributor to Agefi, newspaper about information technologies in the world of finance, investigates the increasing complexity of information systems.

- Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, physicist and professor at the Polytechnic School, is interested in mathematical models and algorithms in use today. He studies the physics of disordered systems, the statistics of market movements and financial risk modelization.

- RYBN will introduce his project ADM8, an open source automated trading program.

DATE : thursday 9 february 2012 : 18h30 - 20h00

CONTACT : registration for conference attendance is encouraged at 01 53 01 82 70
or conferences{at}

LOCATION : Musée des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), conference room
60, rue Réaumur 75003 Paris
Subway Station : Arts et Métiers, Réaumur-Sébastopol
Bus : 20, 38, 39, 47

Free Entrance
this event is organised within the residence cycle "Technologies au quotidien" proposed by La Gaîté lyrique in partnership with the Musée des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) > TAQ #7 - from 7th of february to the 10th of march 2012 : ANTIDATAMINING BOT / RYBN.ORG

Coming Up

second part : finance - the political stakes

10 march 2012, 16h - 22h, in the auditorium of la Gaité Lyrique, Paris.
with: Franco Berardi, Etienne Chouard, Antoinette Rouvroy, Marc Swynghedauw
Free entrance
Registration : info{at}

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