The Really Wild Show
SPACE Studios, London

4 residencies for emerging artists working with contemporary technological 
Deadline: Wednesday 18 January 2012, 5pm. 

4 x one month residencies at SPACE in London between March - April 2012 
preceded by a four day residential retreat 20 - 24 Feb.

Borrowing the title from the 1990’s children’s television show, The Really Wild 
Show sets out a loose framework of ‘wildness’ and its existence in spite of or 
resulting from technological industry. This is not only the wild-ness of the 
urban fox thriving off our wasted fried chicken or the explosion of marine life 
around the waste outfall pipes from Dungeness B. It is celebrities in the 
jungle and BBC faked wild polar bear births. It is urban Blue Tits performing 
an ‘avian rap’ or “Ballard’s perverse (but tender) ecology of petrol, blood, 
semen, crumpled metal” (Sinclair, I, 2010, in introduction to The Unofficial 
Countryside by Mabey,R, 1972). And whilst we dream of a separate romantic 
wilderness, it is more and more apparent that nature and technology are not 
diametrically opposed but evolving together as part of a greater ecology.

We seek proposals from artists questioning the perception and realisation of 
the 'wild' through the very technologies we now use to access and form our 
world. While it is important that artists are engaged with technology* in their 
work, we are more interested in how artists explore technology and its shaping 
of contemporary experience rather than demonstrations of new technologies and 
their possibilities.

* We define technology as anything from a compost toilet to lasers or RFID 

Jim Prevett
Emergent Technologies Producer
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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