Postponed Until Further Notice
The Wrong Biennale n°5 embassy/pavilion curated by Marijn Bril

Postponed Until Further Notice is inviting (internet/digital) artists,
conceptual designers, meme artists, poets, writers, critics, and other
makers and thinkers to become part of a collaborative experiment.

Deadline: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 23:59h

The 'We're open!' board on the sidewalk is retired to the storage room. The
projectors and speakers in the exhibition space are shut off, the lights
are dimmed, the alarm is turned on and the front door is locked.
Eventually, the institution has no other choice but to share on social
media that she regrets to inform that the event is cancelled and pending
further notice.

Postponed Until Further Notice reflects the recurring phenomena of the past
20 months in which (cultural) events were cancelled abruptly and had to be
postponed to a later moment. Countless things, ideas and moments have been
cancelled and forgotten or brought back to life at a later date and time,
in a similar form but in a different context. The later version might make
sense: people are happy to finally get together for that [thing] they've
been waiting for. Or the occasion is gone, forever lost and cannot be
recreated at a later time. Personal or political crisis, production
setbacks, procrastination, changing social-cultural values or simply a need
for rest can lead to delay. The project is an ode to the feeling of
suspension and leans into the inconvenience of indecisiveness.

As such, the project embodies its own near future, freezing a state or
condition that never happened. How long can this condition last is unclear,
its seemingly limitless duration provides both anxiety and solace.
Postponed Until Further Notice meditates on its own absence. The project
builds on Robert Barry's Closed Gallery (1969), in which the artist sent
invitations for gallery openings stating 'During the exhibition the gallery
will be closed’. The work suggested that something was missing while
simultaneous manifesting presence and absence.

And even though the project is Postponed Until Further Notice, other
conditions may form in its shadows. As the event was always a socio-spatial
occurrence, it might mutate into other forms of existence. The comment
section under the institutional statement of postponement might become a
place of discussion. The bench in front of the closed institution's
entrance could become a place of pilgrimage for the disciples of the arts.
Its state of being postponed might become the project itself.

Looking for poetic, philosophical, and conceptual responses
This open call welcomes anybody to submit a philosophical, conceptual, or
poetic response. The work may relate to (but is not limited to) notions of
time, suspension, anticipation, presence/absence, and counter-strategies.
The medium is free of choice, as long as it plays into the thematics. Works
that can be presented online or in urban environments are preferred – think
of a digital sculpture, GIF, video, website, essay, haiku, a sound piece,
interactive performance, or an intervention in the city.

Artists as co-curators
Postponed Until Further Notice aims to become a collaborative project where
the selected artists become an essential part of the curatorial process. In
January 2022 the chosen participants will come together in several online
meetings, in which we will curate the selected works together. We will
discuss approaches to and meaning(s) of postponement, relationships between
works, as well as contextualisation and presentation strategies of the
project. The final form of the project will be decided together with the
selected artists.

Open call
Please send your work by e-mail to no later than
November 24, 2021 at 23:59h (including a brief description of the work and
why it’s a good fit for Postponed Until Further Notice). Selected artists
are paid a variable fee of €100 – €500, depending on the nature of the
work. In addition, the selected artists receive €400 each for being part of
the co-curation process. If you have any questions, want to test your
ideas, ping-pong on the thematics, or just want to say hi – feel free to
reach out via mail or Instagram

This project is curated by Marijn Bril <> and
part of The Wrong Biennale <>. It is made possible by
the kind support of Creative Industries Fund NL
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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