The Institute of Network Cultures presents Theory on Demand #28:

Communities at a Crossroads by Annalisa Pelizza

Material Semiotics for Online Sociability in the Fade of Cyberculture
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How to conceptualize online sociability in the 21st century? To answer this 
question, Communities at a Crossroads looks back at the mid-2000s. With the 
burst of the creative-entrepreneur alliance, the territorialisation of the 
internet and the commercialization of interpersonal ties, that period 
constituted a turning point for digital communitarian cultures. Many of the 
techno-libertarian culture’s utopias underpinning the ideas for online 
sociability faced systematic counter evidence. This change in paradigm has 
still consequences today.

Avoiding both empty invocations of community and swift conclusions of doom, 
Annalisa Pelizza investigates the theories of actions that have underpinned the 
development of techno-social digital assemblages after the ‘golden age’ of 
online communities. Communities at a Crossroads draws upon the analysis of Ars 
Electronica’s Digital Communities archive, which is the largest of its kind 
worldwide, and in doing so presents a multi-faceted picture of internet 
sociability between the two centuries.

Privileging an anti-essentialist, performative approach over sociological 
understandings of online communities, Communities at a Crossroads proposes a 
radical epistemological turn. It argues that in order to conceptualize 
contemporary online sociability, we need first to abandon the 
techno-libertarian communalist rhetoric. Then, it is necessary to move beyond 
the foundational distinction between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, and adopt a 
material semiotic approach. In the end, we might have to relinquish the effort 
to define online or digital communities and engage in more meaningful mapping 

About the author:

Annalisa Pelizza is a writer, teacher and associate professor in Science and 
Technology Studies (STS) at the University of Twente (NL). Her research unfolds 
at the intersection of technology studies, communication science and political 
theory. Before embracing the academic career, she was active in building 
digital communities,  worked as a media art producer and developed large-scale 
IT infrastructures.

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