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Tracking Drones, Reporting Lives

By Regine Debatty on We Make Money Not Art writes her last post about the
Drones event organized by the Disruption Lab Network in Berlin a couple of
weeks ago.

Compared to her previous post (Eyes from a distance. Personal encounters
with military drones), the talks from the panel Tracking Drones, Reporting
Lives zoomed out from the personal perspective and brought together a data
journalist, a documentary director and an artist whose work examines the
drone issue:

Data journalist Jack Serle, who works at the Bureau of Investigative
Journalism in London, as part of the Covert Drone War research team, is
involved in the Naming the Dead project which attempts to reveal the names
of the civilians and militants killed by the drones in Pakistan since 2004.

Film director Tonje Hessen Schei is currently showing in theaters across
the world DRONE, a documentary that focuses on the CIA drone war.

Artist, musician and researcher Dave Young presented The Reposition Matrix,
a workshop series that investigated the military-industrial production and
use of military drones through collaborative open-source intelligence and
cartographic processes.

The panel was moderated by Marc Garrett, director and founder (together
with Ruth Catlow) of the community and art space Furtherfield.
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