Turbulence Commission: "WoodEar" by Peter Traub

Bringing the body of the tree to the network is a natural fit -- a tree is a 
network too: roots sensing and absorbing nutrients, leaves sensing and 
photosynthesizing sunlight, and phloem and xylem running throughout to carry 
nutrients across the structure. "WoodEar" attempts to merge the dynamic 
qualities of this biological network with the digital network. A series of 
sensors attached to the tree stream data on the state of its environment -- 
light, temperature, air pressure, and wind. This live data is merged with 
photos and recordings of the tree's immediate surroundings into a generative 
application/installation. By downloading and running the application, anyone 
can access the live environmental experiences of the tree -- one that may be 
very distant from them, but that still shares the same air, sun, earth, and sky.

"WoodEar" is a 2012 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. for its 
Turbulence website. It was made possible with funds from the National Endowment 
for the Arts.


Peter Traub is a composer/installationist/net artist currently living in 
Charlottesville, VA. He completed his Ph.D. in 2010 in the Composition and 
Computer Technologies program at the University of Virginia. He received his 
Master's in Electro-Acoustic Music from Dartmouth College in 1999, and has 
composed numerous works of electronic music, net art, and sound installations. 
His works have been performed and exhibited internationally and his piece, 
"ItSpace" -- also commissioned by New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. -- was 
featured on National Public Radio's "Day to Day" in 2008. Between Dartmouth and 
UVA, Peter lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for five years where he worked 
as a software developer at internet startups. His dissertation, titled "Spatial 
Exploration: Physical, Abstracted, and Hybrid Spaces as Compositional 
Parameters in Sound Art," was a series of performances, installations, and a 
large paper exploring the use of technology-mediated spaces in contemporary 

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