A Dream Came Through

Have you ever dreamed of doing nothing but ‘fanning yourself’ all day
long? This is the dream come true – you will be paid to sit around and
fan yourself for the duration of a working day. There will be a
contract signed between you and the artist producing this art project.
And yes, you will be the art object, sitting there, fanning yourself,
for all to see.

Please send an expression of interest, plus your contact details and
basic information about yourself to dr...@andfestival.org.uk

The performance will happen during the AND Festival (Abandon Normal
Devices) in Manchester, England.

Note the performance takes place Wed 29 Aug 18:00 – 21:00 and Thu 30
Aug 11:00 – 18:00, participants absolutely must be available for the
entire duration.


Please feel free to pass along to anyone you may think interested.

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