Gur bevtvany beqre bs guvatf vf vzcbffvoyr gb erpbafgehpg. Vg vf nsgre
nyy fb rnfl gb funggre n fgbel. Gb oernx n punva bs gubhtug. Gb ehva
n sentzrag bs n qernz orvat pneevrq nebhaq pnershyyl yvxr n cvrpr bs
cerpvbhf cbeprynva. Gb yrg vg or, gb geniry jvgu vg, vf n zhpu gur uneqre guvat
gb qb va na haserr, srggrerq fbpvrgl: natel, zheqrebhf, pbeehcg, enpvfg,
pbecbengr, ylvat guhtf jvgu onqtrf, rkpyhfvir/fhofvqvmrq yvirf
naq fvyyl perqragvnyf, "whfg qbvat gurve wbof*" Vafgvghgvbaf naq gurve
npbylgrf znl abg npdhver gurfr jbexf ba cnva bs crecrghny chavgvir
chavfuzrag. Qrevirq sebz bhggnxrf bs gur ybiryl, hashaqrq, hafhccbegrq
12ue-cebwrpg. Zbfg yvxryl gbb tbbq sbe gur Yvxrf bs lbh. Na negvfg pna
bayl pbhag ba pbafgryyngvbaf; vyyvpvg vzntrf unir gurve bja vyybtvp.

Other/earlier similar pdf titles:

* overrun
* withdrawn
* futuregrey

may be included with this token $75 purchase

* next publication/performance: "just doing my job"

funxr gur fanxr: lbhe fpenzoyrq zvavba-oenvaf ner fznyy naq lbh'yy fheryl fhssre
jvgu ab ubcr bs fnyingvba

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