The mailinglist [CC] "curating media/net/art--discussions" by
CONT3XT.NET is now open and starts with its first topic "visualizing
work.flows and (filtering-)processes". If you are interested in
participating from June 1st to August 31st 2007 please register at - Excerpts of the
contributions to the mailinglist will be published in the forthcoming
catalogue presented in October 2007 in Vienna


1 visualizing work.flows and (filtering-)processes

Curating on the Internet is a working process that wants to be
visualized in the same way as the processes frequently hidden behind
Internet-based art-forms. The curator, "who does not want to get
'inside' or 'outside' the system, but stays at her place to deepen her
knowledge" (1), acts not only as an intermediary in the presentation
of art but also of his/her own filtering-processes, choices and
decisions. The transparency of his/her work is more relevant for the
transparency of the presented artworks, too, and aims to get a broad
public involved in a collective discourse. "With the steady
incorporation of the Web into the mainstream arts scene, the launching
of exhibitions and the building of archives has become an increasingly
creative and authorial practice.

However, the act of curating used to be a clandestine affair. Those
holding the position would have once worked quietly within the
institutional archives, orchestrating their exhibitions anonymously
from 'behind the curtain,' but now in the past ten to fifteen years
the process of curating and the person who practices it have emerged
center stage in public discourse" (2). Spoken metaphorically, the
constant and ongoing publication of a "curator's notebook" contributes
to the visualization of a work-flow that does not only show the final
results of this process in shape of an exhibition. It unfolds the
existence of a network of non-linear thoughts, relational research and
deductive/inductive (filtering-)processes.

(1) SCHULTZ, Pit: The Producer as Power User. IN: KRYSA, Joasia (ed.):
Curating Immateriality: The Work of the Curator in the Age of Network
Systems. Autonomedia. Brooklyn / New York. 2006.
(2) WILLIAMS, Alena: Net Art and Process. Some Thoughts on Curatorial


Upcoming topics:
2 virtual/real representations in real/virtual spaces
3 facing participation / the lack of collaboration
4 web 2.0--curatorial facilities or technical barriers
5 involvement of (art-)institutions / rise of significance


[CC] "curating media/net/art--discussions" is a part of the project
[CC] "circualting contexts--curating media/net/art" from June 1st -
October 31st, 2007:

The curating of Internet-based art on the Internet is a multifaceted
communication-process between Internet-users with all kinds of
different backgrounds regarding the content. Along with the changing
conditions of production and reception of art on the Internet came new
possibilities of curation which deserve study. [CC] "circualting
contexts--curating media/net/art" is a series of experimental
long-term research projects hosted by the Vienna-based organisation
CONT3XT.NET, investigating current tendencies in the curation of (New)
Media and Internet Art.


The project [CC] "circualting contexts--curating media/net/art" is
supported by the Municipal Department for Cultural Affairs of the City
of Vienna.

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