Does anyone know what could be causing the error in pppoa2.log below? I 
personally don't even know where to start looking for the cause... 
modem_run is running fine without any errors.
I'm using /usr/local/sbin/pppoa2 -v 1 -e 1 -d /dev/ugen0 -vpi 8 -vci 48
dmesg shows my modem as: ugen0: ALCATEL Speed Touch 330, rev 1.10/2.00, 
addr 2

If you need more info let me know please.


error msg in /var/log/pppoa2.log

Info  >21125< Starting PPPoA2 ( merged version includes new ATM/AAL5 stack ) 
Info  >21125< Log started on Mon Feb 10 17:19:27 2003

Info  >21125< I'm the parent   process, I handle the endpoint 0x07
Debug >21125< pty descriptors : fdin=3, fdout=4
Error >21125< pusb_set_configuration 1

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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