Hi, A new speedtouch rpm for use with Red Hat 9 is available at http://www.ottolander.nl/opensource/speedtouch/speedtouch.html . This version is built from CVS (2004/02/20) and should work with the silver 330 rev.4 version of the modem.
Binaries are built on RH9 but should probably be usable on Fedora Core 1 as well. On FC1 you probably want to use the kernel mode driver anyway, but you can probably use the modem_run binary from the RH9 rpm. If not, rebuild from the source rpm (and notify me). For other distros that support rpm you should be able to rebuild the rpm without too many modifications to the spec file. BSDers and users of distros that do not support rpm can grab the tarball. Please report any issues you are having to this list. Don't forget to concatenate the two firmware parts when using this version. Leonard. -- mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]