--English part of the message-------------------------------------------

Hi everybody,

   I'm currently implementing a new feature in pppoa3 that will let you 
change its behaviour without restarting it. I implement this as a named 
pipe. So you can send commands to pppoa3 while it is running like this :

#echo command > /tmp/pppoa3.pipe

For the moment, i've found 3 usefull commands, i give you there what you 
will be able to see launching pppoa3 --pipehelp.

Pipe usage:

#echo command > /tmp/pppoa3.pipe

Pipe Command List

Verbosity command
    - Syntax      : verbose=level
    - Description : Defines the verbosity level
IO Scheduling policy command
    - Syntax      : iopolicy=policy
    - Description : Defines the schedule policy of the 2 IO threads
Kill command
    - Syntax      : kill=entity
    - Description : entity represents the entity to kill, 2 possible values
                    pipe  -> this turn off the pipe option
                    pppoa -> this simulates a modem hangup event

I give you one example : #echo "verbose=2" > /tmp/pppoa3.pipe

So my question is very simple :

What other command do you want to be included in the pipe control thread ?

I wait for your ideas because i could have forgotten __your__ most 
desired command :-) so let me know it...

Edouard Gomez

--French part of the message--------------------------------------------


   je suis en train d'implementer un nouveau feature ds pppoa3. Il vous 
permettra de changer le comportement de l'application sans avoir a le 
relancer (donc ss se deconnecter). J'implemente cela sous forme de named 
pipe, vous pourrez donc envoyer des commandes a pppoa3 de la facon 
suivante :

#echo command > /tmp/pppoa3.pipe

Pour l'instant j'ai eu 3 commandes qui me sont venu a l'esprit, voila ce 
que vous donnera pppoa3 --pipehelp :

Pipe usage:

#echo command > /tmp/pppoa3.pipe

Pipe Command List

Verbosity command
    - Syntax      : verbose=level
    - Description : Defines the verbosity level
IO Scheduling policy command
    - Syntax      : iopolicy=policy
    - Description : Defines the schedule policy of the 2 IO threads
Kill command
    - Syntax      : kill=entity
    - Description : entity represents the entity to kill, 2 possible values
                    pipe  -> this turn off the pipe option
                    pppoa -> this simulates a modem hangup event

La question est donc la suivante :
Quelle autre commande vous semblerai utile ?

J'attens vos propositions car il se peut que j'ai oublié la commande qui 
__vous__ serait utile :-) donc n'hesitez pas a repondre

Edouard Gomez

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