Hi Sphinx-users and developers,
i greatly appreciate the Sphinx auto-documentation system, so thanks a
lot for it! Now to my question:

* For Sphinx 0.6.7 i could not get the sphinx-build generated latex
code to be run through latex directly - rather as in the Makefile it
seems to be intended to be run through pdflatex. Or maybe the Latex2e
program version is very old (from  2001/06/01) at the system i m
working on. In order to use latex, i changed some smaller things in
the *tex and *sty files: utf8 changed to latin1, MakeFramed commented
out, and XeTeXrevision start and end of if-statement commented. Now it
works fine.

However, i would like to change level "-1 level" of how the document
is divided into parts, such that

The former chapters, become sections,
the former sections become subsections,
the former subsections become subsubsections, etc.

(without scanning through the *tex files to replace \subsections with
\subsubsections, etc.)

Would that be possible ?

* If keeping chapters, would it be possible to change the chapter
names: To say only <number> <chaptername>, instead of "Chapter
<number> \\
<chaptername>"          as is default.


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