I'm attempting to build a sphinx extension for the inclusion of ipython
notebooks, based on nbviewer [1].  I have a quick-and-dirty implementation
that works in HTML by deriving from the raw directive [2].  Eventually I
hope to write a better custom directive that supports latex output as well.

One issue I'm having now is that the HTML rendering of the notebook uses
CSS, so to do this correctly I need the notebook directive to cause CSS
code to be added to the <head></head> part of the HTML document.  Is there
a good, general way to do this within sphinx?

Also, if any sphinx gurus out there are interested in the ipython project
and would like to help with this patch, I'd greatly appreciate it.  This is
my first real dive into this sort of thing in sphinx...


[1] http://github.com/ipython/nbconvert/
[2] http://github.com/ipython/nbconvert/pull/35/

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