Re: [sphinx-users] Custom Directive: how to correctly create reference to a class

2020-12-12 Thread Komiya Takeshi
I guess you used pending_xref nodes after the reading phase. They are generated during the reading phase and converted into the reference nodes on the resolving phase. As a result, writer components don't handle them. Thanks, Takeshi KOMIYA 2020年12月12日(土) 23:26 Nic30original : > > Nice, that was

Re: [sphinx-users] Custom Directive: how to correctly create reference to a class

2020-12-12 Thread Nic30original
Nice, that was the answer what I was hoping for. I tried it before, but I did it in Element visit_html which resulted in ``` Exception occurred:   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/sphinx/writers/", line 793, in unknown_visit     raise NotImplementedError('Unknown node: ' +

Re: [sphinx-users] Make the heading levels of (sub)documents automatically dependent of the depth's levels of the folders they belong to

2020-12-12 Thread Komiya Takeshi
Hi, Sphinx does not mind the depth of the document itself. It only minds how sections are "nested". To make your subsections "nested", please append sub-toctree to foo0.rst and subfolder1/foo1.rst like following: ``` # foo0.rst This a title .. toctree:: subfoloder1/foo1 ```