I think the root cause of this issue is the way the builders approach the 
documents.  HTML is a straight forward 1:1 translation, the latex builder 
kind of does the same thing.  The issue is that it is LaTeX that builds the 
table of contents and other front matter for the document (with the 
\tableofcontents command), then the contents are appended to the .tex 
file.  This is why the contents appears to be moved.  In the HTML builder, 
sphinx does all of the numbering and generating of the table of contents, 
but for latex, the builder writes out \part, \section, \subsection, etc and 
then latex builds the toc from there.  The latex toc only sees the 
definition of sections (titles only) not the rest of the content.  The 
content gets added only after the front matter.  If you watch the build 
output, you will see this as it lists each .rst file as it gets appended to 
the .tex file.  Hopefully this makes sense.  I've been playing with Sphinx 
for 3 months and it is only now making sense to me.

See this thread "how do I add revision history table? 
While there are other threads the discuss front matter, this is the most 
recent.  AFAIK there is no obvious or easy way to do this.

The above thread will point you to writing all of that in Latex, that is 
not easy and doesn't translate to multiple output types.  After thinking 
about this for a bit, here is guess as to an approach that might work:
There should be a way to do it using the latex_documents field in the 
conf.py file.  There of course will be some confusion on how that works 
because you will then need to move your forward to another .rst file then 
use an .. include inside of an .. only:: html block to get it working for 
html, then do something differently for latex.  Then you will also need to 
redefine the latex commands to create the front matter.  Then you would 
then have to put some .. only:: latex blocks after the forward to reinsert 
the table of contents and other front matter in the correct locations 
before the document main content.

Now I am thinking about how I would want to do it, the HTML and Latex 
builder put things together so differently that this does not sound like an 
easy task.  If we can come up with a general approach I think that would 
help a lot of people.  I haven't played with anything other than 
html/latex, so I don't have any idea how the others work (though a forward 
and other front matter don't make really make sense for man/info pages).


On Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 2:17:35 PM UTC-7, Warren Block wrote:
> We would like to include a foreword before the table of contents page 
> for a short introduction.  Coming before the TOC, this presumably would 
> not be listed in the TOC. 
> Including text in the index file before the toctree directive seemed 
> like a way to do this: 
>    Document Sample 
>    =============== 
>    Foreword 
>    -------- 
>    Welcome to this document! 
>    .. toctree:: 
>       :numbered: 
>       :maxdepth: 4 
>       intro 
>       ... 
> When rendered to PDF, the Foreword title appears as the first title of 
> the TOC, and the "Welcome to this document!" text appears as the first 
> text in the intro chapter. 
> Some searching found people asking how to accomplish this, but no clear 
> answers.  Can it be done? 
> The fall-back plan is to create a one-page PDF foreword and use a PDF 
> merge utility like pdftk to combine that with the PDF created by sphinx. 
> That's not elegant and introduces more dependencies.  Is there a better 
> way? 

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