I found out by accident that the battery in my 1987 VW Scirroco 16V fits
perfectly in my Spitfire and does not hit the bonnet piece.
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Thanks for the info, guys. I did a bit of research on batteries, didn't
realize there were so many sizes. One wonders why so many sizes are needed.
Anyhow, my neighbor bought the existing top-post battery and I bought a
side-post battery at Autozone. It's a group 78 and sits in the box nicely.
battery Triumph originally used in the later
models. I do know that a lot of people buy a smaller size battery
than 'The Book' says to avoid contact with the brace.
Greg Rowe
>From: "Ken C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Ken C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An interesting problem with my 'hybrid' 1972 MK IV which is just about ready
to go back on the road. I'm using a bonnet from a '79. The new bonnet has
additional cross-bracing up around the outside corners. One brace falls
ever-so-nicely right on the battery positive terminal. Not a good thing ! I