At $38 what you bought was a composite gasket. Solid copper head
gaskets cost upwards of several hu
> Actually, one of the nice things about a copper head gasket is that it
> is eminently re-usable. That's one its claims to fame over the standard
> composite gasket. And if you ever find a $40 copper head gasket, let me
> know!
> >>> "Fred Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/15/02 08:09AM >>>
> ...
Actually, one of the nice things about a copper head gasket is that it
is eminently re-usable. That's one its claims to fame over the standard
composite gasket. And if you ever find a $40 copper head gasket, let me
>>> "Fred Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/15/02 08:09AM >>>
...there is no
A new engine with just a little TLC should have a life span of over 100,000
miles with very little worries internally, now I cannot for the life of me see
anyone heating a $40.00 gasket to be reused in a $1,000 rebuild of a engine,
there is no way of ever using a copper head gasket over again, ple