Hi All,

As you know we will meet at IETF-94 on Tuesday November 3 at 09:00. Our agenda 
is very full and there is no chance we will make the best use of it if we don't 
have a note-taker arranged in advance. On some occasions I have picked up the 
slack myself rather than hold up the meeting, but I will be unable to do that 
this time.

Can I ask for one or more of you to volunteer to take notes? I realize that in 
some cases, people are not comfortable volunteering since they want to be sure 
they will be able to participate in the Q/A, or because they are presenting. 
That is not an insurmountable problem though, if we have several volunteers 
they can cover for each other. The Etherpad tool is one good option for 
collaborative note-taking.

It would also be helpful if someone would volunteer as Jabber scribe. This is 
limited to announcing what presentation is being given and relaying questions 
(if any) from the Jabber room to the mic, although of course if you want to you 
can do more.

Please consider volunteering. Thanks in advance.

spring mailing list

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