
The preliminary agenda for Honolulu was posted yesterday 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/91/agenda.txt), and spring is scheduled 
to meet as follows:

THURSDAY, November 13, 2014

0900-1130  Morning Session I
Coral 3                 RTG     spring          Source Packet Routing in 
Networking WG

>From here on the dates look like this:

  *   2014-10-27 (Monday): Internet Draft submission cut-off (for all drafts, 
including -00)
  *   2014-10-27 (Monday): Draft Working Group agendas due
  *   2014-11-03 (Monday): Revised Working Group agendas due

Note that the ID submission cut-off and the Draft WG Agendas are due on the 
same day.  Please reply to this email with any requests by Friday Oct/24 to be 
included in the Draft WG Agenda.  Note that the ID MUST have already been 
published to be considered.

For a draft to be considered for the Final  WG Agenda:

  1.  It MUST have been published already.
  2.  The authors SHOULD start a discussion on the list highlighting the main 
points of the draft (don’t just send a copy of the announcement and/or paste 
the abstract).
  3.  Slides MUST be provided to the chairs by EOD on Tuesday Nov/11.

We will prioritize existing WG items first, followed by work explicitly 
identified in the WG charter.  Other items may be considered if we have time; 
we will give preference to items for which there has been a discussion on the 
list on a first-come basis.


Alvaro + Jeff
spring mailing list

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