Dear authors,

Thank you for your draft.

I've done a review of your document. (with multiple interruptions, hopefully 
the comments will be consistent...)
Please find below some comments.


"   This document describes SRv6 and MPLS/SR-MPLS interworking and co-
   existence procedures. »

Could you please expand the abstract to better give an overview of the whole 
document? (e.g., looking at the top titles in the table content and reflecting 
those subjects in the abstract)
Is this only description or does the document also specifies some technical 
procedures? (please rephrase and/or adjust the document intended status 
I'm not seeing much "co-existence procedures". (more comments on this below)


The topology/scenario covers the case of inter-domain in the form of an Area 
Border Router (ABR) with a single node belongings in both IGP/domain. Another 
common scenario is the form of a couple of ASBR, each one belonging in a single 
Would it be possible to cover both cases?


"SRv6 over MPLS (6oM)"

At this point in the draft, it's not clear that anything is needed as SRv6 
packets can cross IPv6 (non-SRv6) networks. This would also allow aggregation, 
while §7.1 seems to create one FIB entry per egress PE.

May be you are assuming that the Core network doesn't support IPv6 forwarding 
(even with 6PE) or that non-shortest path are needed in the Core. Clarification 
would be useful IMO.


  End.DTM »

The End.DTM SID MUST be the last segment in a SR Policy


  S02.   If (Segments Left != 0) {

This does not seem to cover draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression.
Is there any plan to cover it or is End.DTM not compatible with srh-compression?

S06.    Process as per [ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming] section 4.

Draft has been published as RFC more than 3 years ago so now may be a good time 
to update the reference.
"as per section 4" is not very specific as this is essentially the whole RFC 
(17 pages from the PDF). Please be more specific.

§4.2 End.DPM

Terminology question.
End.DPM means "Endpoint with decapsulation and MPLS label push"
End.BM means ""Endpoint bound to an SR-MPLS Policy""
Why not using the same terminology? (ie. SR-MPLS Policy rather than MPLS label 

At minimum, it's not clear to me whether End.BM pushes a label or a label stack:

-          "MPLS label push » seems to refer to a single label

-          "Push the MPLS label stack" seems to refer to a label stack (of 
arbitrary size)

It's not clear to me whether End.DPM may be used for any type IPv6 payload? 
(e.g., IPv4?, IPv6?, MPLS?, Ethernet?)
If so, is the Upper-Layer header type checked when decapsulation is performed? 
What is being done if there is not a match between the type and the FEC of the 
inner label being pushed?


  H.Encaps.M: H.Encaps applied to MPLS label stack

"   The H.Encaps.M behavior encapsulates a received MPLS Label stack

   [RFC3032<>] packet in an IPv6 
header with an SRH.  Together MPLS label

   stack and its payload becomes the payload of the new IPv6 packet.

   The Next Header field of the SRH MUST be set to 137 

I would welcome more details. Such as:

  *   What is being done on and with the top label of the received MPLS packet? 
(current text seems to assume that it is not read nor swapped/poped. Ie the 
node performing H.Encaps is not an MPLS LSR)
  *   How do you set Hop Limit, Flow labels, QoS fields


"B:4:BM-C1-7:: », « B:10::DT4 » are not valid IPv6 addresses (notation, "M" and 
"T" are not an hexadecimal digit.


"Node 7 performs a native IPv6 lookup on due PHP behavior for 16007"

That does not seem to work in the general case. You assumed that Core and node 
5 are SR-MPLS IPv4, possibly not supporting IPv6. With PHP, node 5 would see an 
IPv6 packet that it does not know how to forward.


May be  :s/BGP 3107/BGP Label Unicast
Especially since RFC3107 has been obsoleted.
In any case, please be consistent across the document. (which currently 
sometimes uses BGP 3107 and sometimes BGP LU)

"BGP-LU(1/4, 2/4)"
I'm not sure that this is a normative terminology, especially outside of the 
IDR WG. Please expand. E.g. BGP-LU (SAFI 4, AFI 1 or 2).
Also the rest of the network does not use this notation. E.g. § uses 
"BGP AFI=1, SAFI=4". Please be consistent.

"They are also applicable to color-aware routes [I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-car] 
recursing over intent aware intra-domain paths."
If you refer to BGP-CAR, please also refer to the alternative solution. We are 
not taking side.
Also note that you are creating a Normative Reference to an Experimental RFC. 
If the reference is needed, to avoid a downref, this document could to move to 
experimental or may be even informational.


Egress border router seems to behave as per rfc4798 (6PE). May be adding a 
reference would help from a spec standpoint. May be referring to the term "6PE" 
would also help the reader as in this scenario (MPLS core) I would assume that 
the term 6PE is well known to the reader


"Alternatively, leak remote locators or their summary in LI IGP"

Redistribution from BGP into IGP is usually from upon in operational networks. 
E.g. if you make a mistake with your filters, you may end of redistributing 
full routing in the IGP.

FYI, in 'FIB state' at the end of the section, the end of lines are truncated 
in the PDF and txt version. With no indication of this for the reader, so it's 
a bit difficult to read. I'm don't know whether the blame in on the authors of 
the xml tools.
Also this FIB state seems to be specific to a scenario ("Alternatively, 
B:10::/48 or summary route reachability is learned through ISIS"). Please 
detail which scenario is covered with this example of FIB states.
Also you seem to use END with PSP while PSP is not indicated in the text.


When introducing the example (at the end of the section) it would help the 
reader if you could describe which options are taken as the preceeding text 
cover multiple options (e.g  remote locators learned with or without SRv6 SID 
encapsulation, egress PE originating route in BGP IPv6 or not, ingress BR 
leaking in IGP or not, Egress BR aggregating prefix or not...). Currently the 
reader has to figure it out itself while an example is supposed to help.


"label explicit null"
Please use the real name. (in particular since there are two ones. I would 
assume that you are referring to "IPv6 Explicit NULL Label")

§ - Example

At this point in the draft, the reader may not recall what nodes 7, 4, 1, are. 
May be adding a summarized topology at the begging odf the example would help. 

|  :                   |                      |                     : |
|----+    IGP1       +---+        IGP2      +---+      IGP3      +----|
| 1  | ............. | 4 | ...............  | 7 | .............  | 10 |
|----+               +---+                  +---+                +----|
|                      |                      |                       |
iPE                   iBR                    eBR                     ePE


This section seems a bit short for something which is new. Especially compared 
to other sections which had more details, including on existing technology 
(e.g. on 6PE).
For example,

Ø  For each BGP LU route

Ø  Advertise BGP route to PE address

It's not obvious to me whether you are referring to a SAFI 1 or SAFI 4 route. A 
priori label is not used so SAFI 4 does not seem needed. OTOH, translating 
route from one SAFI to another seems like something that would need to be 
called out explicitly.

I guess that this is similar to inter-as option A. To help readers, could this 
be stated at the beginning? (just like §7.2.2 says that it's similar to option 

"Certain L2 service specific information (eg. control word) translation is out 
of the scope. It will be covered in separate document. »
Any progress on this ?


Essentially this section has no content. "These procedures would be detailed in 
a future revision" is there from -00 which is 6 years old. Is there any real 
plan to fill that section or should it be deleted?

--- implementation section

It would be good to add an implementation section as per

9. Availability

This section does not seem cover LE to LI propagation of egress PE failure for 
BGP procedure.
In particular when address summarization done on ingress border router as 
proposed in

10. IANA Considerations

IANA is requested to assign identifier value


| TBD         |  TBD   |    End.DTM              | <this document>  |

IANA registry already has an entry for End.DTM

Are you asking for a second one, which would be different (hence incompatible) 
with the existing one?
- If so, may be choosing a different name would avoid issues
- If not, please update the draft to use the existing one.


11. Security Considerations


I don't think that this is good enough.
I'm seeing significant security considerations. In particular the security 
model of MPLS networks relies on the inability for any attack to spoof/inject 
packets with an arbitrary label. Some of the functions define in this document 
do exactly this hence they introduce risk by their nature.
Also the border nodes (4 ,7 ) seems to belongs to two domains and 2 IGPs and 
hence needs to handle both the MPLS and SRv6 security measures.
Please clarify whether SRv6 security measures are only necessary in C or also 
in LI and LE. Please clarify the perimeter of the "SR domain" (as used in 
RFC8754 and in particular in its section 5.1)

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