[speaking as individual contributor]

Hi authors,

I've quickly read your draft. In the interest of saving meeting time, please 
find below two comments.

1) You are adding the packet sequence number in the IPv6 destination address. 
As  consequence, in case of load balancing, packets from the same flow may have 
their order changed by IPv6 routers.
Is this an issue of may be you don't care since DetNet re-ordering will take 
care of this? Or may be you are mandating a single forwarding path through an 
Would increased packet de-ordering increase the DETNET re-ordering cost (e.g., 
extra delay, jitter, high bandwidth memory...)?
If so (*2) you may consider discussing this in the draft.

2) End.PREOF performs SRv6 decapsulation.
So far in SRv6 there seem to be a convention from [1] to use the letter "D" in 
the name of the behavior to indicate that decapsulation is performed. Perhaps 
you could consider using this soft convention. (e.g., :s/ End.PREOF/ End.DPREOF 

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8986


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