I released sqlautocode 0.7 today.  This release was based on feedback
from a few users, and adds support for sqlalchemy 0.7 and python 2.7.
Here's a rundown of the feature changes since the last release:

0.7 (8-20-2011)

          SA 0.7 Support
          Python 2.7 Support
          Declarative supports tables with compound foreign keys.
          Declarative supports tables with no primary keys.
          Declarative support limits to tables. (-t option)
          Declarative tolarant of bad relations. (throws warnings)

As you can see, the declarative part of the application has been
beefed up significantly.

In case you are not familiar with sqlautocode, it allows the user to
create an sqlalchemy model (table or declarative definitions) given a
target database.  This allows a simpler path for project startup.
Also, sqlautocode is intended to be an api library, which means that
you can use it programatically to dynamically create models for use
without outputting source code, admittedly, the documentation for this
api is lacking.

To use:

$easy_install sqlautocode

$sqlautocode --help:

Usage: autocode.py <database_url> [options, ]
Generates Python source code for a given database schema.

Example: ./autocode.py postgres://user:password@myhost/database -o

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Write to file (default is stdout)
  --force               Overwrite Write to file (default is stdout)
  -s SCHEMA, --schema=SCHEMA
                        Optional, reflect a non-default schema
  -t TABLES, --tables=TABLES
                        Optional, only reflect this comma-separated
list of
                        tables. Wildcarding with '*' is supported,
                        --tables account_*,orders,order_items,*_audit
  -b TABLE_PREFIX, --table-prefix=TABLE_PREFIX
                        Prefix for generated SQLAlchemy Table object
  -a TABLE_SUFFIX, --table-suffix=TABLE_SUFFIX
                        Suffix for generated SQLAlchemy Table object
  -i, --noindexes, --noindex
                        Do not emit index information
  -g, --generic-types   Emit generic ANSI column types instead of
  --encoding=ENCODING   Encoding for output, default utf8
  -e, --example         Generate code with examples how to access data
  -3, --z3c             Generate code for use with z3c.sqlalchemy
  -d, --declarative     Generate declarative SA code
  -n, --interactive     Generate Interactive example in your code.

sqlautocode can be found on pypi at:



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