Hello everyone, I've wrestling with a problem to do with hybrid queries and 
Postgres that I'm hoping you can help me with.

I'm trying to express the concept of 'element in list' for SQL using hybrid 
properties. The data I'm using is a nested JSON object like this:

  "itinerary": {
    "outbound": [
        "arrival": "2016-12-27T19:20:00",
        "departure": "2016-12-27T14:40:00",
        "arrival": "2016-12-27T22:50:00",
        "departure": "2016-12-27T21:40:00",
    "homebound": [
        "arrival": "2017-01-03T22:15:00",
        "departure": "2017-01-03T20:15:00",
        "arrival": "2017-01-04T10:50:00",
        "departure": "2017-01-04T08:35:00",

This data is stored in a JSONB column, which allows me to access the 
elements using PostgreSQL's JSON notation quite easily.
What I'm trying to do is generate a list of dates of travel, as represented 
by the "itinerary" fields. In Python this is easily done, simply by 
iterating across the dict representation of the decoded JSON object, like 

dates = set()
for direction in ('outbound', 'homebound'):
    for leg in itinerary[direction]:

I'm then able to normalise the dates and extract the date of travel so that 
I can do "'2017-01-04' in dates".
I can't work out how to express this in SQLAlchemy though, and have ended 
up with a mess of this:

def travel_dates(cls):
    outbound = cls.itinerary.op('->')('outbound')
    homebound = cls.itinerary.op('->')('homebound')
    return func.array(
cast(outbound.op('->')(0).op('->>')('arrival'), TIMESTAMP)),
cast(outbound.op('->')(0).op('->>')('departure'), TIMESTAMP)),
cast(outbound.op('->')(1).op('->>')('arrival'), TIMESTAMP)),
cast(outbound.op('->')(1).op('->>')('departure'), TIMESTAMP)),

Now I can't get this to work at all, and was hoping someone could point out 
some suggestions for a better approach to this. I'm not even sure if this 
is a sensible way to evaluate nested JSONB types like this, but I've not 
been able to find anything that is cleaner (or works for that matter).

Yours tentatively.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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