I have a working version of both loading relationships via IN as well as loading joined inheritance subclasses via IN, including your great idea that extra eager loaders should continue to work for the subclass loaders.

I've only tested it with one scenario so far and both patches have a long way to go re: tests and documentation.

the scratch test case is currently in the commit message for the second patch, which illustrates a base class + subclass load where both classes have an additional relationship. This is at https://gerrit.sqlalchemy.org/#/c/359/, note this builds upon the previous gerrit at https://gerrit.sqlalchemy.org/#/c/352/. The work at the moment will likely fall down with any kind of surprises but if you wanted to start running it and finding those cases, that is always helpful.

So far this looks promising as something that can be in 1.2 with perhaps some "EXPERIMENTAL" warnings surrounding it, but overall 1.2 was lacking a "killer ORM feature" so these two would be it.

On 03/23/2017 06:02 PM, mike bayer wrote:

On 03/23/2017 02:40 PM, mike bayer wrote:

On 03/23/2017 12:53 PM, da...@benchling.com wrote:
Hey Mike,

Thanks for the quick response!

For developers that are pretty familiar with the SQLAlchemy API, but not
so much the internals, would implementing the subqueryloads to
contribute to SA be a reasonable endeavor? Could you ballpark how much
time how long it might take for us to do it?

I haven't looked at what this would take, but it would be intricate and
also need a lot of tests that are not easy to write.    Like, if you
worked on it, you could probably get something working, but then that
probably wouldn't be how it really needs to be because all kinds of
things that are simple for simple cases don't work with the vast amount
of edge cases which we have.

I've created an issue for both a new relationship loader and an
inheritance loader at the same time, since they will use very similar
paths, at https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/issues/3944.    A POC
for the relationship loader so far looks to be very simple (but then
again all the loaders start out very simple...) and is at
https://gerrit.sqlalchemy.org/352.   The same infrastructure and
approach would also be used for the mapper inheritance loader, which
would be enabled via a mapper()-level flag, as well as per-query using a
new query option.

I can't yet guarantee this will be a 1.2 thing, I'd have to get some
more momentum going w/ test cases and all that.  In a 1.2 release it
would also be a little bit experimental as new loading styles usually
have small issues coming up for months or years, as people try more use

The routine that's loading the additional columns just for one object at
a time is here:


and then here for the bulk of it:

But the much harder part would be how to work this step into the loading
infrastructure, which would be somewhere in

which is a very intricate function with over a decade of constant
refactorings behind it, and I'd have to think pretty deeply for awhile
how best to do this.

Not to mention that there's more than one way to do this query, there's
either re-using the criteria from the original query, or there's
injecting the primary key ids of the whole list of objects into an IN
clause after the fact.  The latter approach is probably more efficient
but wouldn't work for composite primary keys outside of Postgresql.   As
a built in feature I'd want "IN" loading to be an option at least.

Regarding STI and relationships, is there any way to do that but still
get the benefits of JTI? e.g. is there an easy way to resolve
my_base_class_inst.subclass_prop as a proxy to the subclass? We could
roll our own using __getitem__ but it seems a little hairy.

So proxying to a related item wouldn't be terrible, sure you could use
__getitem__ or you could also add descriptors to the primary class,
adding the descriptors to match the "info" could be automated as well
(or even do it in the other direction, add special descriptor to main
class == a column gets added to related class).

Doing the thing where you query() for all the related classes after the
fact yourself might not be that terrible.   you can use the load() event
which receives the query context that has the query you need already.  I
guess it's time for proof of concept.     Here's that.  You can see at
the end we load all the "bs" without any per-object load.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import event

Base = declarative_base()

class A(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'a'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    a1 = Column(String)
    type = Column(String)

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type}

class B1(A):
    __tablename__ = 'b1'
    id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('a.id'), primary_key=True)
    b1 = Column(String)
    b_data = Column(String)
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'b1'}

class B2(A):
    __tablename__ = 'b2'
    id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('a.id'), primary_key=True)
    b2 = Column(String)
    b_data = Column(String)
    cs = relationship("C", lazy='subquery')

    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'b2'}

class C(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'c'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    b2_id = Column(ForeignKey('b2.id'))

class B3(A):
    __tablename__ = 'b3'
    id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('a.id'), primary_key=True)
    b3 = Column(String)
    b_data = Column(String)
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'b3'}

def _loader_for_cls(target, context):
    orig_query = context.query

    target_cls = type(target)

    # take the original query and chance the entity to the subclass
    q = orig_query.with_entities(target_cls)

    # defer everything that's not PK / polymorphic_on from A.  this whole
    # bit is just to avoid all those extra columns
    to_defer = []
    mapper = inspect(target).mapper
    inherited = mapper.inherits
    while inherited is not None:
        for attr in inherited.column_attrs:
            if not attr.expression.primary_key and \
                    attr.expression is not inherited.polymorphic_on:
        for attr in inherited.relationships:
        inherited = inherited.inherits
    q = q.options(*[defer(k) for k in to_defer])

    # store this strong reference so recs don't get lost while
    # iterating
    return q.all()

@event.listens_for(A, "load", propagate=True)
def load_extra(target, context):
    key = ('loader_by_cls', type(target))

    if key not in context.attributes:
        context.attributes[key] = _loader_for_cls(target, context)

e = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True)

s = Session(e)
    B1(b_data='b11', b1='b1', a1='b11'),
    B2(b_data='b21', b2='b2', a1='b21', cs=[C(), C(), C()]),
    B3(b_data='b31', b3='b3', a1='b31'),
    B1(b_data='b12', b1='b1', a1='b12'),
    B1(b_data='b13', b1='b1', a1='b13'),
    B2(b_data='b22', b2='b2', a1='b22', cs=[C(), C()]),
    B3(b_data='b32', b3='b3', a1='b12'),
    B3(b_data='b33', b3='b3', a1='b33')

q = s.query(A).filter(A.a1.like('%2%'))

result = q.all()

print "----- no more SQL ----"
for b in result:
    if isinstance(b, B1):
        print b.b1
    elif isinstance(b, B2):
        print b.cs
        print b.b2
    elif isinstance(b, B3):
        print b.b3

Thanks again,

On Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 3:59:45 PM UTC-7, Mike Bayer wrote:

    On 03/22/2017 02:17 PM, da...@benchling.com <javascript:> wrote:
    > Hey all,
    > We were wondering if you had any advice on having a large (~10)
    > of polymorphic subclasses for a single base class. Using
    > with_polymorphic: '*' causes SQLAlchemy to joinedload all
    > like this:
    > SELECT ...
    > FROM base_table
    > LEFT OUTER JOIN sub_table_1 ON base_table.id
    <http://base_table.id> = sub_table_1.id <http://sub_table_1.id>
    > LEFT OUTER JOIN sub_table_2 ON base_table.id
    <http://base_table.id> = sub_table_2.id <http://sub_table_2.id>
    > ...
    > Postgres buckles under too many joins, and these queries start
    taking a
    > really long time.
    > One other note is that for most of our queries, only a few of
    > sub-tables are actually needed, so most of the joins are wasted.
    > Unfortunately, ahead of time, we don't know which tables will be
    > -- we're relying on the discriminator.
    > Ideally, we'd be able to specify that the ORM should
subqueryload the
    > subclasses (and only execute subqueries on the types that are
    > This would have to happen both when querying the base table, but
    > when accessing relationships. We'd want it to execute a query on
    > base table, then execute one query for each present subclass.
    > Another solution might be to use some kind of hook that
    > - is executed after a query returns with results (or after a
list of
    > models are added to the session?)
    > - groups the models by type and runs its own subqueries to load
    the data
    > Any help here is greatly appreciated!

    The purpose of with_polymorphic is more about being able to
filter on
    multiple classes at the same time, which is why it uses joins, but
    don't scale to many subclasses.    Adding a subquery load for the
    related tables would be something that the ORM can someday have as a
    feature, but it would need a lot of tests to ensure it's working as

    There's a lot of ways to get those other tables loaded but none of
    look that great.   Turning off with_polymorphic(), one approach
is to
    collect all the distinct types and identifiers from your query
    then do a separate query for each subtype:

            result = session.query(BaseClass).filter(...).all()

             types = sorted([(type(obj), obj.id <http://obj.id>) for obj
    in result],
    key=lambda t: t[0])

             for type, ids in itertools.groupby(types, key=lambda t:

    That will emit a query with an INNER JOIN for each class and will
    populate the remaining records in the identity map.  The columns
    are already loaded are not re-accessed, though the DBAPI will still
    them over the network to the cursor.   You can try limiting the
    you query for in each statement as well by using the defer() option.

    Another way is to use with_polymorphic() but to provide a different
    of SQL statement, like a polymorphic_union().   This would be a
    UNION of
    statements that each have an inner join.   the resulting SQL is a
    but it at least isn't using those left outer joins.   I think you
    probably use sqlalchemy.orm.util.polymorphic_union() directly to get
    this UNION statement built up automatically.

    Still another way is to reorganize the mappings to use single-table
    inheritance and relationship() to link out to the related table,
    the normal "subqueryload" feature to load them as relationships.
    though this way is ugly, I might use this (short of implementing the
    related table subqueryload feature) just to make things simple.

    Definitely a feature that should be added but that's not an

    > Thanks,
    > Damon
    > --
    > SQLAlchemy -
    > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
    > http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
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    <http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve> for a full
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