Hi Lycovian, 

Can you share your dialect for Teradata using pyodbc? I'm very interested. 


On Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 8:34:33 AM UTC+8, Lycovian wrote:
> Looks like the *nix version of the ODBC driver I was using is simply 
> wrapping the Windows logic for parameters for DNS-less connections contrary 
> to the documentation
> For the record in Teradata for DNS-based connections the ODBC connection 
> string would be on Linux:
> 'dsn=mydsn;Username=user;Password=pwd'
> *BUT* for DNS-less connections the *nix version of the driver actually 
> uses this connection string:
> 'driver=Teradata;UID=user;PWD=pwd'
> Possibly they re-used the parsing logic from the Windows driver?  At any 
> rate, thanks for the information.  That gave me the information I needed to 
> figure out what was going on.
> On Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 12:25:37 PM UTC-8, Lycovian wrote:
>> TL;DR:
>> I'm trying to debug what is actually being sent to the pyodbc.connect 
>> function on connect in a custom dialect.  I need to see the connection 
>> string that is being sent to the pyodbc.connect function *right* before 
>> it is sent but it has been difficult for me to unravel the layers of 
>> indirection on the create_engine call. 
>> Long version:
>> If you care for more information I have this DSN related connect string 
>> for the custom dialect I am writing for Teradata:
>> engine = 
>> sqlalchemy.create_engine("teradata://testsqlatd:password@td_testsqlatd", 
>> encoding='utf-8', echo=True)
>> This connection string works and connects properly to my Teradata box 
>> (yay!).
>> In my custom dialect I have subclassed so I can get some visibility into 
>> the ODBC connect string SQLA is constructing:
>>     def create_connect_args(self, url):
>>         connector = super(TeradataDialect_pyodbc, 
>> self).create_connect_args(url)
>>         print connector
>>         return connector
>> This code appears to call sqlalchemy/connectors/pyodbc.py 
>> [create_connect_args].  And returns:
>> [['dsn=td_testsqlatd;UID=testsqlatd;PWD=password'], {}]
>> I assume that this string is roughly what is passed by SQLA to pyodbc at 
>> some future point as the ODBC connection string.  In my case the string 
>> above connects successfully.  Oddly enough though UID is not a valid 
>> ODBC connection parameter for the Teradata ODBC driver.  For Teradata the 
>> parameter *must *be Username.  Same with PWD, this isn't valid for the 
>> Teradata ODBC driver.  It should be Password. 
>> According to my testing and the Teradata ODBC docs the valid version of 
>> this ODBC connection string should be:
>> 'dsn=td_testsqlatd;Username=testsqlatd;Password=password'
>> I have verified directly with pyodbc that the first form of the connect 
>> string fails and the version directly above works, yet somehow in 
>> SQLAlchemy it connects.  Because of this I believe that SQLA is rewriting 
>> the string further before connecting to the Teradata ODBC driver via 
>> pyodbc.  I can't find out where that is happening though.  Because of 
>> this I would like to intercept the pyodbc.connect call and see exactly 
>> what ODBC connection string SQLA is invoking it with. 
>> Any ideas how to log what exactly the connection string that SQLAlchemy 
>> is sending to pyodbc.connect?

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