Rather than creating mixin classes that models inherit from, I have a use 
case that requires me to configure classes the other way around. The 
classes that would normally be mixin classes need to be the classes that 
inherit from the models as well as the class that model objects are created 
from. This is because the models and the mapper configurations are in an 
external library from the main repository. I need to pass in the host for 
the engine from the main repository to the models library before any of the 
models are loaded so they can load with the declarative base already 
configured. After the engine information is passed in, the session, Base 
class, and everything is created within a sort of base class that the 
models inherit from. Here is a simplified example:

class SQLAlchemyBase(object):
    metadata = None
    Session = None
    Base = object
    sessionfactory = sessionmaker()

    def initialize(self, host):
        engine = create_engine(host)
        self.metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
        self.Session = scoped_session(self.sessionfactory)
        self.Base = declarative_base(metadata=self.metadata)

models = SQLAlchemyBase()

(The models inherit from models.Base)

So the SQLAlchemyBase will be imported into the main repository, the 
initialize method will be called, passing in the host for the engine, and 
the models can then be imported. The main repository has its own classes 
with the same names as the models and have additional methods that a normal 
mixin class would have to extend functionality. However, I am unable to 
create model objects using the classes in the main repository because I 
can't get the mappers to play nice with this unusual inheritance that 
extends from the external models library. Additionally, in the models 
library, there are models that have multiple levels of inherited 
polymorphic relationships. Here is an example that is similar one of the 
more basic inherited polymorphic relationships:

**Models Library**

class Foo(models.Base):

    __tablename__ = "foo"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    type = Column(String)
    foo_bar_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("foo_bar.id"))
    foo_bar = relationship(Foo, backref=backref("foos"))

    __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_on": type}

class Bar(Foo):

    __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "bar"}

class FooBar(models.Base):

    __tablename__ = "foo_bar"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

**Main Repository**

from separate_library.models import models, Foo as BaseFoo, Bar as BaseBar, 
FooBar as BaseFooBar

class Foo(BaseFoo):

    def custom_create_method(cls, **kw):
        foo_obj = cls(**kw)

class Bar(BaseBar):

class FooBar(BaseFooBar):

The original error I was getting was something like this: 

"InvalidRequestError: One or more mappers failed to initialize - can't 
proceed with initialization of other mappers.  Original exception was: 
Multiple classes found for path "Foo" in the registry of this declarative 
base. Please use a fully module-qualified path."

So I tried putting the full path in the relationships. Then it started 
giving me an error like this:

 "FlushError: Attempting to flush an item of type <class 
'main_module.models.Foo'> as a member of collection "FooBar.foos". Expected 
an object of type <class 'separate_library.models.Foo'> or a polymorphic 
subclass of this type. If <class 'main_module.models.Foo'> is a subclass of 
<class 'separate_library.models.Foo'>, configure mapper "Mapper|Foo|foos" 
to load this subtype polymorphically, or set enable_typechecks=False to 
allow any subtype to be accepted for flush.

Essentially, the main problem is getting the classes in the main module to 
point to and act like the model classes. For example, when I try to create 
relationships, it says it expected an object of type 
'separate_library.models.Foo' instead of 'main_module.models.Foo'. 
Additionally, in the polymorphic relationships, I can't get the 
polymorphic_identity to populate for the polymorphic_on column. For 
example, Bar in the main repository will have the 'type' column empty when 
the object is initially created.

One idea I tried was to add a metaclass to the declarative base in the 
models library and modify the mappers in the __init__ method during their 
initialization. I made progress this way, but haven't gotten it to work 

Sorry for the complex explanation, but this is a complex problem. I am not 
able to change anything about the models or the use case, unfortunately. I 
have to work within these constraints. If anyone can offer ideas on how to 
configure the mappers for the classes in the main repository to act like 
the models in the model library, I would be very grateful.

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