Over the weekend I started learning/using sqlalchemy. I've put
together some practice code that works, however, I don't know if my
code is 'correct,' I don't feel like I have a firm grasp of

Following is my code, it's broken up into 2 (very small) files. I'd
appreciate it if the code could be reviewed for incorrect/poor usage
of sqlalchemy.

Generally, I have questions like: should there be only one metadata
object (books_meta.meta) and engine (books_meta.pg_db)?, can the
books_meta.py file contents be used with files other than books.py?,

# books_meta.py file
from sqlalchemy import schema, engine

pg_db = engine.create_engine("postgres://user:passw...@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:
meta = schema.MetaData()
meta.bind = pg_db

#books.py file
from library.model import books_meta
from sqlalchemy import schema

def index(self):
        books_tbl = schema.Table("books", books_meta.meta, autoload=True)
        publishers_tbl = schema.Table("publishers", books_meta.meta,
        c.books = books_tbl.select().execute()
        c.publishers = publishers_tbl.select().execute()
        return render("/library.html")



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