south currently uses state freezing (which aways felt messy), but i believe
the new rewrite for inclusion in django core is moving to a way of
describing schema changes in a declarative way that can be introspected (so
current state is calculated from all previous migrations instead of some
> def bulk_ud(sess, query, ctx, result):
> print result.context.compiled.params
> On Jul 7, 2013, at 5:51 AM, David Szotten wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to find out which class/columns were included in the update
> from an
Is it possible to find out which class/columns were included in the update
from an `after_bulk_update` event handler?
>From what i can tell from the source, this information lives on the
`BulkUpdate(Evaluate in my case)` object which isn't passed to the event
handler, and I can't figure ou