On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> ffernand wrote:
>> I've been using sqlalchemy for the past couple months in development
>> without incident until I started applying unique indexes.  I've had
>> issues with duplicate rows as expected, but now i'm seeing a different
>> error that I hadn't seen before...
>> NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column
>> 'rosetta_keys.id'"
>> It's hard to reproduce because it only shows up (some of the time)
>> when the process forks and only when indexes are applied to tables in
>> question.
>> It's not always the same table, but I can say that it occurs when two
>> processes are touching the same table.  I'm using sqlsoup to make this
>> all happen.
> when you fork a child, any engines you have created must be replaced with
> new engines.   TCP connections don't really travel across forks very well
> so you'll want to ensure create_engine() is called at the beginning of
> each child, and applied to all places where an engine is needed (i.e.
> sessions, metadata objects).

thanks for the quick reply...

I can say, that that is not the case... I do re-create the engine
(using create_engine) upon fork.  After a fork the following is

    conn = orm.session.connection()
    conn.detach(); conn.close()

(the above i think is overkill) then I recreate...

    engine = create_engine(conn_str, convert_unicode=True, echo=
False, echo_pool= False)
    Session.configure(bind= engine, autoflush= True, autocommit= True,
expire_on_commit= True)
    orm.db, orm.session = SqlSoup(MetaData(engine)), Session()

Also, the exception NoSuchColumnError never shows up until unique
indexes are applied thoughout the tables.

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