Dear all,

I'm starting a web project based on Python, and I've decided to rely on 
and SQLAlchemy.
My DB is for the moment a SQLite database, and I'm trying to figure out how the 
framework deals with sessions / transactions. Your help would be greatly 
appreciated !

Here's how I declare my global Session :

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///.....', echo = True, listeners=[MyListener()])
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))

 The documentation recommends to use that kind of scoped_session for a 
web project : why, actually ? What if I use "regular" sessions ? What 
would happen in that case if different users of my site would get their 
own sessions ?

I've made a simple test : I declare 2 actions, 'add' and 'commit'.
'add' deliberately doesn't commit the Session because I want to understand the 
behavior of the framework.

class Add:
    def GET(self, name=None):

        print Session.connection()
        print engine.pool.__dict__
        for conn in engine.pool._all_conns:
            print "[CONN] %s" %conn

        if prenom is not None :
            user = User(name)
            # No commit here
class Commit:
    def GET(self):


I ran several tests : I triggered the 'Add' action from different  browsers, 
adding 'Jack' then 'John'....
Sometimes 'Jack' appears in, sometimes not.
Sometimes is empty, sometimes not.

It seems to depend on the underlying connection of the session.

Q2) Why's that ? Shouldn't the session be somehow "global" ? Why doesn't it 
encapsulate all my users ?

 Moreover, what happens to the connections I open when I add a user without 
committing ?
Why are they recycled by the framework on the next call ? My
 listeners indicates they're never checked-in (except on commit time)

Q4) When I run the "commit" action, it seems to randomly pick a connection and 
flush the objects. Why's that ?

Besides , I'm trying to restrict pool_size to 1 in the engine.

Q5) It does not seem to change anything : more and more connections 
are open when I run "add" multiple times. How could I actually restrict 
the pool size ?

Q6) What is the best strategy when using scoped_session in a web project ? 
Forgetting a commit seems to have very dangerous consequences (delayed flush).

Thanks very much for your help !



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