I have a table `special_product_list` and a table 
`special_product_historical_details_list` that holds information of 
products over time, where there's a record in the history table every day 
for every product.

I want to write a query to select all products from `special_product_list` 
that meet the two following conditions:
    - the product's most recent `special_product_historical_details_list` 
entry has `available=true`
    - at least one other `special_product_historical_details_list` entry 
for that product except the most recent one has `available=false`

if the following were the most recent 
`special_product_historical_details_list` entries for a product, only in 
the first situation would I want that product to be returned from the query

p_id | date       | is_available
1   | 2017-12-13 | true
1   | 2017-12-12 | false
1   | 2017-12-11 | true
1   | 2017-12-10 | true

p_id | date      | is_available
 1   |2017-12-13 | false
 1   |2017-12-12 | true
 1   |2017-12-11 | false
 1   |2017-12-10 | false

p_id | date      | is_available
 1   |2017-12-13 | true
 1   |2017-12-12 | true
 1   |2017-12-11 | true
 1   |2017-12-10 | true

Is there a way I could write this in SqlAlchemy?

Here are my models:

class SpecialProduct(Product):
    __tablename__ =  'special_product_list'
    special_id = db.Column(String(64), nullable=False, index=True, 
    history = relationship("SpecialProductHistoricalDetails",
    most_recent_historical_details_id = db.Column(Integer,
    most_recent_historical_details_entry = 

class SpecialProductReviewsHistoricalDetails(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'special_product_historical_details_list'
    id = db.Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    special_id = db.Column(String(64), 
ForeignKey('special_product_list.special_id'), nullable=False)
    special_product = relationship("SpecialProduct", uselist=False, 
    time_updated = db.Column(TIMESTAMP, default=func.now(),


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