
I have trouble on making a query between two tables:

     - ID

     - ThisDataset
     - ItsParent

To find the `Parent` and `Child` of a `Dataset`, I need explicit
specify the join sequence between:
`ProcessedDataset` <-- `ProcDSParent` --> `ProcessedDataset`

After make different alias for them, I try different join approach,
but still not able to get it.

I will demonstrate with find `Parent` of a `Dataset`:
dataset = DB.db_tables[db_alias]['ProcessedDataset']
dsparent = DB.db_tables[db_alias]['ProcDSParent']

parent = dataset.alias('ProcessedDataset_ItsParent')
child_parent = dsparent.alias('ThisDataset_ItsParent')

keylist = [parent.c.Name]
whereclause = dataset.c.Name.op('=')('Test')

--- Approach <1>:
    * FromClause.join + expression.select

r_join = dataset
r_join.join(child_parent, \
               dataset.c.ID == child_parent.c.ThisDataset)
r_join.join(dsparent, \
               child_parent.c.ItsParent == parent.c.ID)

query = select(keylist, from_obj=r_join, whereclause=whereclause)

   * result <1>:

SELECT `ProcessedDataset_ItsParent`.`Name`
FROM `ProcessedDataset` AS `ProcessedDataset_ItsParent`,
WHERE `ProcessedDataset`.`Name` = %s

--- Approach <2>:
     * orm.join + expression.select

join2 = join(dataset, child_parent, \
                 dataset.c.ID == child_parent.c.ThisDataset)
join2.join(dsparent, \
              child_parent.c.ItsParent == parent.c.ID)

     * result <2>:
SELECT `ProcessedDataset_ItsParent`.`Name`
FROM `ProcessedDataset` AS `ProcessedDataset_ItsParent`,
    `ProcessedDataset` INNER JOIN `ProcDSParent`
                      AS `ThisDataset_ItsParent`         ON
 `ProcessedDataset`.`ID` = `ThisDataset_ItsParent`.`ThisDataset`
WHERE `ProcessedDataset`.`Name` = %s

Appreciate for any help, stuck here for couple of days already!

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