
I am trying on spectrify for converting the table into spectrum table, 
which is failing  because of an error in SQLAlchemy step. Not sure, how to 
associate metadata for the engine to NOT prefix "public" when using 
non-public schemas such as "my_schema.temp_table_01".   While, I saw few 
discussions/links on this issue... I was not able to resolve the issue. Any 
help appreciated.

*The problem/Error/Blocker*

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy_redshift/dialect.py"
, line 636, in _get_redshift_relation

   raise sa.exc.NoSuchTableError(key)

sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError: public.temp_table_01

*The Code: Fails*

from spectrify.convert import convert_redshift_manifest_to_parquet

from spectrify.utils.schema import get_table_schema

sa_table  = get_table_schema(sa_engine, 'my_schema. temp_table_01')

*The code : Works*
import  sqlalchemy
import  spectrify
from    sqlalchemy  import create_engine
from    spectrify.export    import export_to_csv

db_conn_str     = 
sa_engine       = create_engine(db_conn_str, connect_args={'sslmode': 
'prefer'}, echo = True)
sa_engine.dialect.has_table(sa_engine.connect(), "temp_table_01", 
schema='my_schema')  #returns TRUE

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