I have an API endpoint that handles searches from the frontend. A search 
can have a dynamic amount of filters applied to it, including (1) sizes, 
(2) colors, (3) price, and (4) category that are passed through query 
parameters. Sizes and colors are passed as comma separated values (i.e. 
colors=Red,Blue,Orange) and are converted to lists on the backend. Price 
and Category are single values (i.e. price=20-300&category=Shirt). 

I'm having trouble constructing a query based on these filters. If multiple 
values could not be passed for any parameters I wouldn't have much of an 
issue - I could construct a dictionary based on the parameter name and 
unpack it in a .filter() call. That's not the case though - I need to 
implement an 'or' operator to accomodate the multiple possible colors and 

Additionally, each of these filters is optional, meaning some queries will 
comprise only some of them, which again complicates the query. 

And if that wasn't complicated enough - properties like sizes and colors 
are represented as a one to many relationship not simple categories. I have 
hybrid properties that return a list of possible sizes but using those in 
queries containing filter_by() raises issues. 

Does anyone know how I could even begin to structure a dynamic query like 

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