
I have a question about using multiple polymorphic tables with different parents which relate to the the same parent table but other polymorphic child.

I have two tables staff (class Staff) and contract (class Contract).
The Staff table has an identity manager (class Manager) and the contract table has an identity peon (class Peon). I have a third table called payments. Payments has two identities identity StatusReport and BillableHours.

I want to have StausReport have a relationship to Peon ForeignKey('contract.id') and the BillableHours have a relationship to Manager ForeignKey('staff.id')

The relationships look like this:
staff.id => payments.user_id
contract.id => payments.user_id
payments.user_id => staff.id
payments.user_id => contract.id

I am using SQLAlchemy v0.5.8 on Python v2.6

Here is an *example* of one of the tests i have tried. I hope it gives a better idea of what I am tring to do (and is not just confusing). I get failures about specifying "foreign_keys" or "Could not locate any equated locally mapped column pairs..."

from   sqlalchemy import MetaData, orm, schema
from   sqlalchemy.types  import Integer, String
from   sqlalchemy.schema import Column, Sequence, ForeignKey
import sqlalchemy as sa
from   sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relation
from   sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

engine   = sa.create_engine( 'sqlite://' )
metadata = MetaData(   )
Base     = declarative_base( metadata = metadata )
Session  = sessionmaker(  )
Session.configure( bind = engine )

def create( ):
    Base.metadata.create_all( engine )

class Staff( Base ):
    __tablename__ = 'staff'
    id  = Column( Integer, Sequence( 'user_seq' ),
                  nullable=False, primary_key=True )
    name = Column( String, nullable=False )
    type = Column( String, nullable=False )
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type }

class Manager( Staff ):
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'manager'}
    Billables       = relation( 'BillableHours' )

class Contract( Base  ):
    __tablename__ = 'contract'
    id  = Column( Integer, Sequence( 'contract_seq' ),
                  nullable=False, primary_key=True )
    type = Column( String, nullable=False )
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type }

class Peon( Contract ):
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'peon'}
    StatusReports   = relation( 'StatusReport' )

class Payments( Base ):
    __tablename__ = 'payments'
    id  = Column( Integer, Sequence( 'payments_seq' ),
                  nullable=False, primary_key=True )
    type = Column( String,  nullable=False )
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type }

class StatusReport( Payments ):
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'status'}
    user = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('contract.id'),  nullable=False )
    job  = Column( String, nullable=False, default="offshore" )
    hrs  = Column( Integer, nullable=False, default=0 )
    Peons = relation( 'Peon' )

class BillableHours( Payments ):
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'billable'}
    user = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('staff.id'),  nullable=False )
    job  = Column( String, nullable=False  )
    hrs  = Column( Integer, nullable=False, default=8 )
    Managers = relation( 'Manager' )


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