Hi Michael,

Thanks for taking the time to provide this informative and helpful reply,
it's much appreciated.



On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>wrote:

> On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:27 PM, Paul Nesbit wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of setting up SQLAlchemy classes after having defined my
> database tables.   I'm at the point where I'm mapping relationships, and
> I've realized now that I may have designed my tables in a sub-optimal way,
> or in a way that may not lend itself well to mapping relationships with
> SQLAlchemy.  Before asking any questions about how to map relationships in
> my model, I'd like ask a more general question about database design.
> I don't know how to describe the design I've chosen, other than to say I've
> seen it used in other data models (WorldPress and RT) in which relationships
> are defined in "meta" tables with key value pairs, rather than one-to-many
> relationships between the entity tables and a designated relaionship table.
> Here's an example of the two designs:
> *Users
> id    Name    email
> *1     bob        b...@company
> 2     nancy    na...@company
> *Roles
> id    role    description*
> 1     administrator    access to all
> 2     editor                can change doc content
> 3     publisher          can create/move/delete docs
> The "meta" table design:
> *UserMeta
> id    user_id    metakey    value*
> 1    1                role_id       1
> 2    2                role_id       2
> 3    2                role_id       3
> The one-to-many design:
> *UserRoles
> id    user_id    role_id*
> 1     1               1
> 2     2               2
> 3     2               3
> I prefer the meta table design because a) I'm seeing clueful application
> developers use it (not a great reason, I know) and b) it means fewer tables
> (e.g. if I create a company table, I don't need to also create a
> "usercompanies" table).   I suspect there's other benefits, however I'm not
> aware enough to know them.
> Can anyone here speak to the benefits of one model over the other?
> If I proceeded with the meta-table option, can I expect mapping the
> relationships between the meta-table's key/value relationships to be
> painful, or not possible?
> SQLA can accommodate both versions, but the "meta" is more difficult to
> model, since it ultimately involves modeling any number of relations between
> any number of different mapped classes among one giant association table,
> and the conditions by which two remote tables are joined together is more
> complex, less performant, less safe and less flexible from a relational
> database point of view.
> I located an old email I wrote to some colleagues about this subject but
> its perhaps a little too specific to what we were doing then.  The basic
> answer is that theres no advantage whatsoever to having fewer tables, and
> there are many disadvantages to using a model that batches lots of disparate
> data into one huge table and disallows proper constraints.   More tables
> allow data to be partitioned among fewer sets of rows.  Therefore lookups
> and joins are less costly for all relationships, the cost of one or two
> enormous relationships isn't passed onto all the other relationships in the
> database, and the distinct tables of relationship data are generally more
> easily managed and partitioned across disks and servers.  Allowing
> individual columns to represent exactly one relationship elsewhere allows
> efficient indexing (i.e. indexing of a single integer field, instead of a
> composite across the id plus metakey), greatly reduces the space required to
> store the relationships (no need to store "metakey"), and allows the
> construction of proper foreign key constraints.   Having to "keep track" of
> many association tables, the only issue I can think of that might be raised,
> is not an issue since you're using a SQL/ORM toolkit to transform that into
> an invisible detail.
> The "meta" model you have would require that "value" not have any proper
> constraints which for any serious database designer is a total dealbreaker -
> any number of rows can be inserted into UserMeta, or created via deletions
> of related objects, that are entirely invalid and your database has no way
> to prevent such corrupted data from being created, nor is there any
> capability to CASCADE deletes from remote objects.   The reason such models
> exist (primarily in the PHP and Ruby on Rails worlds) is because they
> ultimately derive from MySQL and its famous culture of "who needs foreign
> keys?".  While MySQL devs have recanted that philosophy years ago, the awful
> habits they've spawned among these communities persist.
> i wrote a blog post about something slightly more complex than this called
> "polymorphic association", which illustrates Rails' incorrect methodology of
> implementing this (and how to map the identical thing in SQLAlchemy) and a
> better, constraint-bearing method at http://techspot.zzzeek.org/?p=13 ...
> but that's just a related nugget.  The use case you have here only need use
> whats described in the SQLAlchemy docs at
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/mappers.html#many-to-many .  You also
> don't need "UserRoles.id" since "user_id/role_id" forms a composite primary
> key for that table.
> >

p...@nesbit.net | 416.642.6920 | paul.nesbit (GTalk/MSN)

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