> Whoops - occasionally a session autoflush can break the function above - a
> better version delays the session.add() calls until the relationships have
> been built:
from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect
from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(_
My method is as follows; for an SQLAlchemy ORM object x, call: y =
deepcopy_sqla_object(x, session), with functions defined as below. It walks
relationships (as defined by each ORM class; if there is no "relationship"
then it won't proceed, which can be helpful), copying objects, and then
Dear Mike,
Thank you very much! That makes sense; good to know.
all the best,
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Dear all,
I've been trying to implement a datetime-style field in SQL Alchemy that,
in the database backend, uses a specific ISO-8601 format (e.g. "
2013-04-30T00:26:03.000+05:00"), and is a datetime at the Python end. The
primary database engine is MySQL.
I don't want to implement this as a