
Thank you for SQLAlchemy.  I've had a great experience with it so far.

I'm running into an issue where I've declared the column type to use
decimal.Decimal but I get float back from select.

I'd appreciate any clues you might have.

url = 'mysql://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s' % (cfg['login'], cfg['password'],
cfg['host'], cfg['port'], cfg['database'])
engine = create_engine(url, strategy='threadlocal', pool_recycle=10,
encoding='utf-8', convert_unicode=True, paramstyle='pyformat')
table = Table('foo', metadata,
            Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('latitude', Numeric(precision=12, scale=9,
asdecimal=True), nullable=True),
query = table.select().where(table.c.id == bindparam('id'))
result = engine.execute(query, id = 34)
row = result.fetchone()
print type(row.latitude)
#prints <type 'float'>



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