On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:

> Not sure what the issue is for the first aspect here, do you just need to 
> call Session.flush() ?   
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/session.html#flushing

 That's exactly what I need to do :)

> This is a common question, I was able to find a few mentions of it:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8361513/sequence-without-a-gaps
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4105147/alternative-to-maxid-in-complex-primary-key
> It's a PITA to create an unbroken chain of integers that is resilient against 
> transaction failures, because it essentially requires locking the entire 
> table.   Usually, sequences are used to create increasing integer values, but 
> a key behavior of a sequence is that it never returns the same value again, 
> regardless of transactional state - this is specifically so that no matter 
> what happens, there is zero chance of a particular value ever conflicting 
> with one acquired from the same sequence elsewhere.
> So here you need to create the id based on the max(id) of what is already in 
> the table, and you also need to lock the table to ensure no other processes 
> do the same thing at the same time.   The second answer above suggests that a 
> simple SELECT .. FOR UPDATE can be used here, the SQLAlchemy Query object 
> uses with_lockmode() to do this, which...apparently is not correctly 
> documented.... so you're basically looking to send the string "update" here:
> query(func.max(MyTable.id)).with_lockmode('update').scalar()

It's nice to see sqlalchemy provides a way to hold database locks.
This is a good option but my customer didn't like this since he
believes his system will be highly concurrent.  I will just use
another temporary table for fast inserting, then have a daemon process
periodically read the temporary table and serialize writes on the
final tables.

Thanks for your help Michael.


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