> So, create a Table, use that, make sure you’re sending the right kinds of 
> objects to bulk_insert(). 

Thank you very much for that very quick reply, this did the trick. The 
try/except blocks in my post above were just to show what I've tried so far.

I'll include my working code so that it may help someone else:

    conn = op.get_bind()

    metadata = sa.MetaData()

    dog_table = sa.Table('dog', metadata,
                           sa.Column('id', sa.INTEGER(), primary_key=True,
                           sa.Column('mammal_id', sa.INTEGER(), 
                           sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name='dog_pkey'))


    new_dogs = reconstruct_dogs()

    op.bulk_insert(dog_table, new_dogs)

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